Message from @nubbie

Discord ID: 341775501414891521

2017-08-01 01:31:09 UTC  


2017-08-01 01:31:22 UTC  

going too far in any ideology is terrible

2017-08-01 01:32:05 UTC  

there was some crazy mom who was super liberal, and she wrote this huge fuckin article and basically said her two sons were born to be rapists

2017-08-01 01:32:13 UTC  

and said that her feelings mattered more than facts

2017-08-01 01:32:16 UTC  

what the fuck

2017-08-01 01:32:24 UTC  


2017-08-01 01:32:25 UTC  


2017-08-01 01:32:50 UTC  

i honestly cant even believe that anyone would ever in their right mind would think that

2017-08-01 01:33:01 UTC  

It's garbage.

2017-08-01 02:24:13 UTC  

Mind if I make an actual serious point for a minute? Possible wall of text incoming, just so you know.
Have you ever heard someone say (in the context of political discourse) that the Millennial generation sucks, with their gender studies, and their StarBucks and twitter movements and all this crap? I understand why stereotypes are a thing and I have seen people my age like that, but what I want to know is why Millennials were stuck with it. Whenever I see Social Justice Warriors preach, they're always people who look like they're in their mid 30s and 40s. People like Anita Sarkeesian, Big Red, Laci Green, and even my damn Modern History teacher. People twice my age are the ones spewing the narrative to people my age (with my Modern History teacher saying that Nationalism is an element of Fascism while failing to remember the highly nationalist military parades of the Soviet Union), and for some reason I get people in their fifties saying that MY generation: people who have only been on this earth for less than 20 years are the ones who suck ass! Even Sargon has taken a whack or two at my age group.
Again, I understand where the stereotype comes from. There are people my age who accept the narrative that the previous generation spews, and they spew it with a decent amount of authoritarianism. However when that demographic is so damn tiny, why am I (the one who would rather argue a political point without bringing up age in the first place) the one suffering the brunt of it?

2017-08-01 02:25:34 UTC  

Hi there! I love you, all!

2017-08-01 02:25:46 UTC  

do you love me?

2017-08-01 02:26:04 UTC  

It isn't a generation thing at all.

2017-08-01 02:26:49 UTC  

Hi there! @Blaundee

2017-08-01 02:28:44 UTC  

No one is paying attention to @Maxsimodem

2017-08-01 02:29:04 UTC  

@everyone Look at his argument

2017-08-01 02:30:33 UTC  

@Sir Aggie agreed, it isn't. Just as ideology does not bind to a race, ideology does not bind to an age group. It can be placed and removed as easily as a tire on a car, but there are some idiots that make it about age anyway.

2017-08-01 02:30:41 UTC  

That pisses me off to no end.

2017-08-01 02:30:52 UTC  

@Ruffy thank you. I will point out that it is late (15-30 minutes to 12 where I am) so people are probably sleeping.

2017-08-01 02:31:40 UTC  

IT's sad that the world is swinging this way and damn boi, niggie do I want to live by myself on the moon.

2017-08-01 02:53:49 UTC  


2017-08-01 02:53:53 UTC  

I want to die on the moon

2017-08-01 02:53:54 UTC  

how bou dah

2017-08-01 02:55:54 UTC  

You know what would be great for the next Spiderman Film

2017-08-01 02:56:05 UTC  

Having Mysterio as the bad guy

2017-08-01 02:56:18 UTC  

I want hydroman

2017-08-01 03:02:49 UTC  

Is mayonnaise an instrument?

2017-08-01 03:05:31 UTC  

>long, thought out comment questioning political discourse inconsostancies
>responses question condiments as instruments, moon living and dying and spiderman

What is this, fucking 4chan?

2017-08-01 03:15:18 UTC  

no so you should stop trying to greentext

2017-08-01 03:17:23 UTC  

No. #GreanTxtForLyfBoi

2017-08-01 03:24:54 UTC  

There are some things I would've liked to say by myself on here, but it is evident that Daniel and the others can't handle opinions or statements that differ from theirs in the slightest, and that Daniel obviously can't own up to his own (apparently) decisions and be straightforward and tell me what happened. First of all, I have bit my tongue on many occasions to avoid drama on this server, so I personally think it's bullshit when Bappers gets to shit on everyone and doesn't get reprimanded and everyone else does for pointing out valid things. But oh wait, I forgot you guys have to baby her because that's what she does. All. The. Time. Literally, all she talks about. I find that really funny though, how the people who claim to have the toughest skins, can't take any criticism. Because stuff like this happens. In fact, the whole thing that really pissed her off wasn't even criticism. I noticed after I responded "idc" to her snarky comment (that's all I said lol, and she got super offended) almost every night, without fail, people kept @ing me, trying to get under my skin, and dissecting every little thing I said, even if it wasn't anything to dissect. Basically just giving me unwanted negative attention for the simple reason that she was shit talking me so much, and that people believed it without actually hearing my side.

2017-08-01 03:25:11 UTC  

Seriously, this happened alot. (I have screenshots to prove the dumbassery, plus people who were cringing at the whole thing remember) It really is amazing though how people need to feel important by being validated by people they feel are important. But I digress, I have spent almost a year on this server and it's really sad to see it go to shit and for Daniel to not even give a fuck. And I used to genuinely think you were sweet and fun to talk to Daniel. It's really disappointing you had to turn out so mean, entitled, arrogant and spineless.

PS. If Bappers is reading this rn, I know you're probably laughing on the outside like "OMG SHE'S SO DUUUUMB" to cover up your anger. But don't worry, it's noted, and it's super flattering because it shows you care 😘

To anyone else who may of actually enjoyed my company lol, just look me up, I'm not hard to find.

-Spirit D'freak 👽

2017-08-01 03:25:44 UTC  

O shit

2017-08-01 03:25:50 UTC  

and with that im taking my leave. thankst to everyone who was nice to me

2017-08-01 03:27:02 UTC  


2017-08-01 03:27:08 UTC  

What happened

2017-08-01 03:28:15 UTC  

Did spirit leave??

2017-08-01 03:28:34 UTC  

Spirit was banned

2017-08-01 03:28:44 UTC  

We've been over this boyo

2017-08-01 03:28:50 UTC  


2017-08-01 03:29:07 UTC