Message from @Apollo, Plague Lord

Discord ID: 401195416663621654

2018-01-12 02:02:59 UTC  

Appeal to authority is different from have an established authority on a subject

2018-01-12 02:03:19 UTC  

>race realism

Are there biological differences between races? Yes. Otherwise we wouldn’t have different skin colours. It’s like the difference between a Husky and a German Shepard
Do they mean fucking anything at all beyond medical issues? I think fucking not.

2018-01-12 02:03:22 UTC  

Nobody has any authority on a subject in an argument

2018-01-12 02:03:52 UTC  

I think it depends on the context.
If they are like "you're wrong cause I have a degree" then yeah. It's retarded.

2018-01-12 02:04:10 UTC  

Race realism is just a tool used for a white nationalist narrative

2018-01-12 02:04:20 UTC  

Are you talking about IQ averages?

2018-01-12 02:04:26 UTC  


2018-01-12 02:04:43 UTC  


2018-01-12 02:04:45 UTC  


2018-01-12 02:04:56 UTC  

According to that it's the Asians and the jews that have the highest IQs
How is it white supremacy?

2018-01-12 02:05:11 UTC  

Goo goo iq gaga race goo goo gaga

2018-01-12 02:05:11 UTC  


2018-01-12 02:05:23 UTC  

A common example I see in media is that someone will be talking about something like biology. Someone says that there is a physical dichotomy in the human species. So the person replying says, "Well you don't have a B.S. in Biology therefore your argument is not valid."

2018-01-12 02:05:44 UTC  


2018-01-12 02:06:00 UTC  

Niggas who reference fallacies incorrectly should be shot

2018-01-12 02:06:06 UTC  

It's the biggest flop of all time

2018-01-12 02:06:48 UTC  

@musty bussy I have a feeling it’s the culture that the race subscribes to more than the race itself. Trust me, i know some pretty moronic asians.

2018-01-12 02:07:03 UTC  

@#2771 doesn't understand rhetoric enough to be trusted because he's demonstrated that he lacks fundamental basics of rhetoric. That's not an appeal to authority

2018-01-12 02:07:12 UTC  


2018-01-12 02:07:21 UTC  

Bruh I know what logical fallacies are

2018-01-12 02:07:43 UTC  

I was replying to dani

2018-01-12 02:07:57 UTC  

Tf are you replying to

2018-01-12 02:08:29 UTC  

I took debate and speech I know the little babby shit

2018-01-12 02:08:37 UTC  

Establishing ethos by having legitimate authority on a subject is a fundamental basic in rhetoric.(Ethos,Pathos,Logos) It's not the same as an appeal to authority

2018-01-12 02:08:56 UTC  

Yeah but that's what it says though?
It doesn't mean that all Asians are smart.
But tbh I think there's more than IQ from my experience. It's the way you think too. I know people with tested high IQs that are dumb as hell and low IQ people who are smart. The mentality seems pretty important too Ngl.

2018-01-12 02:08:59 UTC  

*just sits in the corner eating cookies*

2018-01-12 02:09:01 UTC  

I'm talking to the greyhound guy @dani(el)

2018-01-12 02:09:10 UTC  

I'm wondering why he's replying to me

2018-01-12 02:09:23 UTC  

Asians have a higher iq

2018-01-12 02:09:38 UTC  

Bc their culture

2018-01-12 02:09:42 UTC  

Not bc their slanted eyes

2018-01-12 02:09:43 UTC  

Because you said "niggas who reference fallacies incorrectly should be shot"

2018-01-12 02:09:49 UTC  


2018-01-12 02:09:54 UTC  

Why did u link me that

2018-01-12 02:10:02 UTC  

You did tho lol

2018-01-12 02:10:24 UTC  

You mistook Appeal to Authority fallacy for establishing ethos

2018-01-12 02:10:25 UTC  

Old man yells at cloud

2018-01-12 02:10:26 UTC  

Yeah but IQ is hereditary to an extent
If you have high IQ parents then you're probably gonna have a high IQ too

2018-01-12 02:10:28 UTC  

That's you dawg

2018-01-12 02:10:50 UTC  

Well I mean it doesn't determine your IQ entirely