Message from @nah ⛓

Discord ID: 403737113935216641

2018-01-19 02:22:22 UTC  


2018-01-19 02:22:36 UTC  

Ok gimme a bit cuz my phones power button likes to stick I hate taking screens

2018-01-19 02:22:46 UTC  


2018-01-19 02:23:10 UTC  


2018-01-19 02:23:12 UTC  

i was using my friend's iphone for something and the home button has no feedback

2018-01-19 02:23:16 UTC  


2018-01-19 02:23:20 UTC  

the strangest thing

2018-01-19 02:23:40 UTC  

@dani(el) when did the other Archaic message you?

2018-01-19 02:23:46 UTC  

You know those iphone screenshots where you see a niggas "my home button broke" icon

2018-01-19 02:24:10 UTC  

Jan 6th

2018-01-19 02:24:14 UTC  


2018-01-19 02:24:21 UTC  


2018-01-19 02:24:24 UTC  

That shit cracks me up for some reason

2018-01-19 02:24:44 UTC  

I think it's cuz iPhone users always flex like they have money but half of their screenshots look like that

2018-01-19 02:25:03 UTC  

Then again I got candy apple on my power button so imma shut up

2018-01-19 02:25:20 UTC  

the name assistive touch makes ctfu because it sounds like one of those buttons they have on automatic doors to help disabled people get in

2018-01-19 02:25:46 UTC  


2018-01-19 02:26:03 UTC  

Сука Ыуат

2018-01-19 02:26:23 UTC  

Shut up fascist

2018-01-19 02:27:00 UTC  


2018-01-19 02:27:09 UTC  

that wasnt funny

2018-01-19 02:27:56 UTC  

513G H31L

2018-01-19 02:29:27 UTC  

@Maxsimodem your autism is showing again

2018-01-19 02:30:27 UTC  

I well fucking aware of that

2018-01-19 02:30:59 UTC  

Happening a lot recently, so I just assume that’s whats going on.

2018-01-19 02:32:38 UTC  

Well stop

2018-01-19 02:32:53 UTC  

it could be waaayy worse

2018-01-19 02:32:58 UTC  

At least he isn't an incel

2018-01-19 02:34:01 UTC  

How do you know he isn't

2018-01-19 02:34:32 UTC  


Enlighten me

2018-01-19 02:34:49 UTC  

wah i hate women because im too socially retarded to get pussy

2018-01-19 02:34:57 UTC  

"Involuntary celebate"

2018-01-19 02:35:06 UTC  

Can't get laid so you hate the world

2018-01-19 02:35:11 UTC  

Think of Elliot Rodgers

2018-01-19 02:35:56 UTC  

No, that’s not me. I hate the world for reasons other than not getting laid.

Mainly because at this precise moment, I choose not to date. Because I’m a fat piece of shit.

2018-01-19 02:36:17 UTC  

If you've ever gone on 4chan, more specifically /pol/ and seen any "redpill about women" threads that's what an incel is

2018-01-19 02:36:32 UTC  

Or blackpilled

2018-01-19 02:36:44 UTC  

The fuck is blackpilled?

2018-01-19 02:36:47 UTC  

It's like MGTOW but wayyy worse

2018-01-19 02:37:00 UTC  

Haven’t been on /pol/ in a while

2018-01-19 02:37:10 UTC  

They sound an awful lot like faggots but they hate them too