Message from @xTroubledxSoulx

Discord ID: 512380831797477389

2018-11-14 19:53:32 UTC  

Still being beaten to death and molested by it’s own mobile version

2018-11-14 19:54:04 UTC  

At least fortnite managed to keep its user base on PC

2018-11-14 20:53:40 UTC  

Yeah bs im sure the fortnite community is declining as well. No way that original momentum it had kept up.

2018-11-14 20:55:00 UTC  

Pubg was or still is #1 on played xbox games, and of course it would have a lot of players on mobile. You think all those foreigners or kids would be able to run PUBG on something other than mobile device

2018-11-14 20:55:43 UTC  

Fortnite is carried by fucking normies/kids dude

2018-11-14 20:55:52 UTC  

Its a disney tier first person shooter

2018-11-14 20:55:58 UTC  

Fuck out of here with that shit

2018-11-14 21:36:24 UTC  

Disney doesn’t do third* person shooters

Or shooters in general.

And you missed my point; PUBg lost it’s PC player base fast, faster than Fortnite is, not to mention that you’re still an edgy emo.

As for running a game on machines that are potatoes, the same argument could be made for PUBg. Not only that, but ANY game on the PLANET is subject to that critique. World of Warships however proves it wrong, as even the potato computers of South East Asia can run the game on medium settings, and Wargaming makes their game look a damn sight better than PUBg in both 3D model finish, textures, and animations.

2018-11-14 21:36:33 UTC  

I said disney tier shooter

2018-11-14 21:36:38 UTC  

how do you not get what I mean by that?

2018-11-14 21:36:58 UTC  

You still said first person

2018-11-14 21:37:07 UTC  

Fortnite is majority third person

2018-11-14 21:37:11 UTC  

Like the Division

2018-11-14 21:37:21 UTC  

ok well i mean just shooter alright

2018-11-14 21:37:41 UTC  

Don’t matter, you screwed up, and I’m gonna capitalize on that

2018-11-14 21:37:59 UTC  

you're a fucking cretin for thinking like that

2018-11-14 21:38:00 UTC  

Just like the PUBg devs screwed up that Lawsuit

2018-11-14 21:38:12 UTC  

And Fortnite capitalized on it

2018-11-14 21:38:15 UTC  

doesn't take away from it being game of the year

2018-11-14 21:38:24 UTC  

it's teh best shooter of the year

2018-11-14 21:38:29 UTC  

we all know this

2018-11-14 21:38:43 UTC  

red dead is low energy

2018-11-14 21:38:47 UTC  

its not even on PC bro

2018-11-14 21:38:48 UTC  

rockstar are cucks

2018-11-14 21:39:38 UTC  

If you’re going to make THAT argument

2018-11-14 21:39:54 UTC  

Your earlier point about PUBg being top on Xbox

2018-11-14 21:39:58 UTC  

Is fucking moot

2018-11-14 21:40:07 UTC  

whatever console brainlet

2018-11-14 21:40:19 UTC  

u know pubg is superior u just cant handle teh BRs

2018-11-14 21:40:23 UTC  

ConSOlEs DonT mATter

2018-11-14 21:40:27 UTC  

gonna have a heart attack at end game probably

2018-11-14 21:41:52 UTC  

Don’t get me wrong, I prefer PUBg to Fortnite, but it is by no means “the best shooter of the year”

PUBg doesn’t even have a fucking single player mode and their game costs 30 FUCKING DOLLARS

2018-11-14 21:41:58 UTC  

yes it is bro

2018-11-14 21:42:02 UTC  

it doesnt need single player

2018-11-14 21:42:06 UTC  


2018-11-14 21:42:08 UTC  


2018-11-14 21:42:09 UTC  

It does

2018-11-14 21:42:11 UTC  

its a battle royale game

2018-11-14 21:42:21 UTC  

My internet sucks and I hate people that’s why

2018-11-14 21:42:27 UTC  


2018-11-14 21:42:33 UTC  

pay up buddy or move