Message from @Kyuzo

Discord ID: 560553412580737028

2019-03-27 19:50:49 UTC  

i still have my old h100? h110? watercooler probably should replace it..

2019-03-27 19:51:21 UTC  

H-something-or-other, the one that has the RGB waterblock

2019-03-27 19:51:31 UTC  

the old corsair h100's

2019-03-27 19:51:41 UTC  

non rgb

2019-03-27 19:51:48 UTC  


2019-03-27 19:52:06 UTC  

but ive been watching my temps and haven't seen a spike telling me the pump or water is bad

2019-03-27 19:52:40 UTC  

also depending on you. you'd change the paste every 1-3 months

2019-03-27 19:52:50 UTC  

What’s the lifetime of the unit, I can’t imagine that it’s as long as CPUs generally last.

2019-03-27 19:53:33 UTC  

id say get a cpu temp viewer program and just keep eye on it

2019-03-27 19:54:16 UTC  

watch your idle temps and slight rise would mean you'd probably need to blow out the fans/replace thermal

2019-03-27 19:54:49 UTC  

Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff I’m going to have to look at getting software-wise.

2019-03-27 19:55:02 UTC  

do you have thermal paste on hand?

2019-03-27 19:55:46 UTC  

I do not, no. I had a tech shop in the city build my PC, my father managed to convince me that they’d have thermal paste.

2019-03-27 19:56:21 UTC  

theres a program called core temp

2019-03-27 19:56:28 UTC  

That being said, my father is in his late 40s/early 50s and built computers when GPUs couldn’t snap the PCIe slots off.

2019-03-27 19:57:07 UTC  

atm my cpu is at 30cish doing minor websurfing etc

2019-03-27 19:57:47 UTC  
2019-03-27 19:57:55 UTC  

Yeah, just above summer room temp should be idle

2019-03-27 19:58:30 UTC  

but if i were you id just buy a stick of arctic mx-4 off amazon

2019-03-27 19:58:52 UTC  

Thanks for the advice

2019-03-27 19:59:08 UTC  

it's carbon based so it won't fry your shit if you apply to much by accident

2019-03-27 19:59:36 UTC  

You’re only supposed to apply as much as a dot, right?

2019-03-27 19:59:53 UTC  

theres different ways you could go by doing it

2019-03-27 20:00:20 UTC  

some do a small X on the cpu i just do a pea size dot right in the middle

2019-03-27 20:00:48 UTC  

the heat/pressure of the heatsink will spread it for you

2019-03-27 20:02:21 UTC  

Yeah, JayzTwoCents made a point that if you spread it our before applying the heatsink that you were more likely to get air that would disrupt heat transfer trapped in there

2019-03-27 20:03:04 UTC  

well ive had this cpu for about 5 years

2019-03-27 20:03:30 UTC  

my temps have always been in the 30s or below at idle

2019-03-27 20:03:50 UTC  

at true idle id probably be at 27-28

2019-03-27 20:04:57 UTC  

My father has had his for pretty near a decade; it’s an old Phenom II 6X

2019-03-27 20:05:25 UTC  

i had a phenom ll 98something

2019-03-27 20:05:39 UTC  

the late 900 series

2019-03-27 20:06:15 UTC  

It’s old AMD junk, that’s what it is

2019-03-27 20:06:41 UTC  

I’m sorry, but outside of TF2, I am firmly on Team Blue

2019-03-27 20:07:04 UTC  

the cake is a lie

2019-03-27 20:08:58 UTC  


2019-03-27 20:09:00 UTC  


2019-03-27 20:09:05 UTC  

I refuse

2019-03-27 20:09:13 UTC  


2019-03-27 20:09:26 UTC  

just wait till that spy backstabs you

2019-03-27 20:09:28 UTC