Message from @Farunel

Discord ID: 560685199143469097

2019-03-28 04:37:02 UTC  

probably gonna sink like 2 grand into getting the tumors removed

2019-03-28 04:37:20 UTC  

fat chance itll be worth anything but i have to say i at least tried

2019-03-28 04:38:33 UTC  

I would almost just say, don't. It's one thing if it's a long-lived animals, but with rats it really only does so much. We researched it too when we had a rat start getting tumors. We loved her to death. But statistically speaking, most rats will not gain more than 6 more months from operations. Most significantly less.

2019-03-28 04:39:09 UTC  

We ended up just spoiling her until she passed away. It seemed more worth it I guess, than having her do all these operations and be in a constant state of healing.

2019-03-28 04:39:43 UTC  

im gonna find out what his chances are tomorrow and if its worth it, ill do it

2019-03-28 04:39:49 UTC  

otherwise im not putting him through all the shit

2019-03-28 04:40:41 UTC  

Yeah. That's kind of how we felt about it. We're also super poor. It just wasn't realistic to do something like that with such a low chance of success. Hers' were in bad spots, too. Like one was on the back of her neck.

2019-03-28 04:40:58 UTC  

hes got both on his stomach

2019-03-28 04:41:15 UTC  

Is it for sure cancer? Sometimes they get big fatty tumors.

2019-03-28 04:41:24 UTC  

im not 100% i just think it is

2019-03-28 04:41:29 UTC  

im finding out tomorrow

2019-03-28 04:41:36 UTC  

if its just fatty tumors they're definitely coming off

2019-03-28 04:41:47 UTC  

Well with luck, it could be fatty tumors. We had a few get that and still live for a year with them

2019-03-28 04:42:01 UTC  

hes luckily not a very active rat to begin with being blind and all

2019-03-28 04:42:12 UTC  


2019-03-28 04:42:12 UTC  

so i dont think hes too phased by it

2019-03-28 04:42:16 UTC  

no shockingly

2019-03-28 04:42:23 UTC  

hes a blaze dumbo, black eyes

2019-03-28 04:42:42 UTC  

my feeder bin rats tho? live fucking 4 years lmfao

2019-03-28 04:42:42 UTC  

Huh, weird. We had an albino. She was probably our very favorite. She was very social with us, and a smart lil bugger

2019-03-28 04:42:48 UTC  

lol yep

2019-03-28 04:42:51 UTC  

yeah my longest living one was albino

2019-03-28 04:43:09 UTC  

She was a feeder, she'd had like 7 litters and then the neighbors were going to put her down

2019-03-28 04:43:14 UTC  


2019-03-28 04:43:21 UTC  

But we took her, she lived 2-3 years with us

2019-03-28 04:43:41 UTC  

Rats are underrated af

2019-03-28 04:43:47 UTC  

i dunno if want anymore after this

2019-03-28 04:44:15 UTC  

We phase in and out. We'll have a couple then not get any others for a few years

2019-03-28 04:44:17 UTC  

theyre really cool and interactive but theyre just not my thing

2019-03-28 04:44:21 UTC  

We're likely done at this point though

2019-03-28 04:44:43 UTC  

And if you happen to have one that's super cool and you love they just dont live very long and it's kind of sad

2019-03-28 04:44:52 UTC  

yeah im kind of getting into more long term pets

2019-03-28 04:45:00 UTC  

i can deal with the heartbreak of it and all but

2019-03-28 04:45:10 UTC  

the older i get the less time i have to dedicate and it just feels too short

2019-03-28 04:45:19 UTC  

We can too, but I like long-term pets more

2019-03-28 04:45:40 UTC  

We dedicate a LOT of time to pets I guess. We used to have a shelter, and we're going to start one back up once we get into our own place again

2019-03-28 04:46:07 UTC  

Last was ferrets, next is gonna be birds.

2019-03-28 04:46:32 UTC  

ive been more into birds recently since i found out we have a good bird breeder

2019-03-28 04:46:51 UTC  

kind of kicking myself in the ass tho because i couldve gotten a cockatoo for $200 and i got a cockatiel

2019-03-28 04:47:03 UTC  

Birds are awesome. We have 5 right now. The first was around 5 years ago at petco. We got a massive discount because no one wanted her

2019-03-28 04:47:23 UTC  

She was a serial biter. But she's good with us. (She is a green cheek though so only so good)