Message from @fietsmand

Discord ID: 572780089692127245

2019-04-30 13:22:41 UTC  


2019-04-30 13:22:48 UTC  


2019-04-30 13:22:49 UTC  

lmao he'd get banned from the theater @Hiibanabae

2019-04-30 13:22:55 UTC  

Probably lol

2019-04-30 13:25:45 UTC  

look all im saying is Daniel prophesied about a future Greek Conqueror who would do some badass stuff while at Neb's Palace. 200 years later Alexander the Great pops up does pretty much all the stuff that Daniel prophesied about, Alexander "coincidentally" dies at the exact same place the prophesy is described to have happened at(Neb's Palace).

2019-04-30 13:26:39 UTC  


2019-04-30 13:27:58 UTC  

@Hiibanabae do you play Siege?

2019-04-30 13:28:12 UTC  

yah read the book of daniel, his visions are all in symbolism and what not cause that book is actually written as apocrypha(ciphered apocalyptic literature) just like all the "heretical" books that preachers bitch about

2019-04-30 13:29:18 UTC  

Daniel 8 (the eighth chapter of the Book of Daniel) tells of Daniel's vision of a two-horned ram destroyed by a one-horned goat (an allegory for the transition from the Persian to the Greek eras in the Near East)

2019-04-30 13:30:10 UTC  

Predicting that Greek(Macedonia under Alexander the Great where Greek is symbolized as the 1-horned Goat) superceding Persia(which Alexander did)

2019-04-30 13:32:10 UTC  


2019-04-30 13:33:42 UTC  

@Repzion wanna debate(well actually have a dialectal i dont like debating format people just go in circles trying to prove 1 or 2 points the entire time) about theology sometime?

2019-04-30 13:42:37 UTC  

@Blaundee Everyone thinks I got my name from R6 lol

2019-04-30 13:42:44 UTC  


2019-04-30 13:42:53 UTC  

I just like the meaning of the name

2019-04-30 13:42:57 UTC  


2019-04-30 13:43:08 UTC  

It means "firework" :3

2019-04-30 13:43:14 UTC  


2019-04-30 13:43:27 UTC  


2019-04-30 13:43:30 UTC  

once again

2019-04-30 13:43:35 UTC  

do I know anyone here

2019-04-30 13:43:40 UTC  


2019-04-30 13:44:04 UTC  


2019-04-30 13:44:26 UTC  

That sonic trailer goes against the Geneva convention

2019-04-30 13:45:24 UTC  

okay all im saying is that maybe the geo-thermal vents simply transferred the archaea(original lifeform on this planet where all other life stems from) to an area where they could actually thrive and then over time evolution happened

2019-04-30 13:45:36 UTC  

but originally maybe it happened within earth

2019-04-30 13:48:49 UTC  

the sonic thing is monstrous

2019-04-30 13:59:34 UTC  

The two-horned ram that you saw represents the kings of Media and Persia. 21The shaggy goat represents the king of Greece, and the large horn between his eyes is the first king. 22The four horns that replaced the broken one represent four kingdoms that will rise from that nation, but will not have the same power.…

2019-04-30 13:59:51 UTC  

from Daniel 8:21

2019-04-30 14:00:25 UTC  

Alexander's kingdom divided into 4 Kingdoms given to his generals upon his death

2019-04-30 14:00:32 UTC  

what are you on about @Apollo, Plague Lord

2019-04-30 14:00:59 UTC  

That one of the prophets from the bible actually prophesied correctly according to history

2019-04-30 14:01:54 UTC  

so did yaga baba

2019-04-30 14:02:09 UTC  

a lot of people predicted a lot of things 😃

2019-04-30 14:02:16 UTC  

Alexander had wolly hair=shaggy

2019-04-30 14:03:22 UTC  

so did everyone at that time

2019-04-30 14:03:25 UTC  

Philip never got sovereingty of Greece, so Alexander would be the first King

2019-04-30 14:03:44 UTC  

No this was like 200 years beforehand(Book of Daniel)

2019-04-30 14:04:06 UTC  

but Alexander fucked up the Gordian Knot by being lazy with his thinking

2019-04-30 14:04:26 UTC  

what do you mean? modern problems require modern solutions

2019-04-30 14:05:00 UTC  

all he had to do to solve it efficiently was cut the part tying the knot to the surface of the object holding the Gordian Knot and unwrap it like you would a pair of tangeled wires.