Message from @Everyone's Mother

Discord ID: 576540006802522123

2019-05-10 22:24:35 UTC  


2019-05-10 22:25:30 UTC  

Give me some

2019-05-10 22:27:18 UTC  

S'mores sounds so good right now

2019-05-10 22:28:17 UTC  


2019-05-10 22:28:23 UTC  


2019-05-10 22:28:41 UTC  

@Everyone's Mother you look like one of Jared's underage victims

2019-05-10 22:28:43 UTC  


2019-05-10 22:29:48 UTC  

@Drakesden omg 😂 I'm not though, I just heard of him today.

2019-05-10 22:30:01 UTC  

But you do recognize the sausage now right?

2019-05-10 22:30:18 UTC  

I haven't seen any of those

2019-05-10 22:30:54 UTC  

jared has evolved

2019-05-10 22:31:00 UTC  

he has memory bleaching abilities

2019-05-10 22:31:51 UTC  

I've only seen one dick in almost 3 years, and it wasn't Jared's.

2019-05-10 22:32:20 UTC  

so I'm the only one.

2019-05-10 22:33:35 UTC  


2019-05-10 22:34:44 UTC  

you still have those saved, right?

2019-05-10 22:35:45 UTC  

Oh no! He deleted her memory

2019-05-10 22:38:27 UTC  

and her expectations with that pic

2019-05-10 22:42:32 UTC  

He just gave me candy, and then I felt strange.

2019-05-10 22:43:28 UTC  

a violation of the buttocks ensued

2019-05-10 22:44:09 UTC  

I'm not actually underaged though

2019-05-10 22:44:39 UTC  

yes i know

2019-05-10 22:44:52 UTC  

because i rolled you off my list

2019-05-10 22:44:56 UTC  


2019-05-10 22:45:01 UTC  


2019-05-10 22:46:01 UTC  

more like admition of sexual deviancy against children but I'll take it

2019-05-10 22:47:37 UTC  

@Drakesden I'm sorry that I'm not young enough for you 🤣

2019-05-10 22:48:45 UTC  

it's all about the body

2019-05-10 22:48:58 UTC  

my victims usually get hormone blockers on their 12th birthday

2019-05-10 22:49:46 UTC  

I think that I have a body of a 12 year old, so thanks

2019-05-10 22:54:34 UTC  


2019-05-10 23:27:11 UTC  

a brokem marriage out of 10

2019-05-10 23:27:18 UTC  

ohhh the irony

2019-05-10 23:39:17 UTC  

so um
im pretty pissed, i got rick rolled and the worst way possible, and it was by my friends from montreal

2019-05-10 23:39:33 UTC  

they rickrolled me and it was the last thing they decided to do before saying good bye lmao

2019-05-10 23:41:10 UTC  

and now i regrettably know what chaturbate is, thinking it was omegle...fucking wonderful

2019-05-11 00:21:42 UTC  


2019-05-11 00:21:55 UTC  

I call it the best counter to being gnomed.

2019-05-11 00:22:29 UTC  

Canadians. What more did you expect?

2019-05-11 01:08:08 UTC  

true lmao

2019-05-11 02:43:52 UTC  

Every time I see James Charles, I keep remembering that he has such a punchable face.