Message from @OneBall2RuleThemAll

Discord ID: 595091672262770710

2019-07-01 03:15:09 UTC  

She wants Youtube to be like TV. Semi-kid friendly

2019-07-01 03:15:34 UTC  

That will never happen.

2019-07-01 03:15:50 UTC  

Plus a lot of people would be upset if that does happen.

2019-07-01 03:16:33 UTC  

Because I enjoy listening to really scary stuff and I know that it's definitely not kid friendly at all.

2019-07-01 03:18:06 UTC  

One of the youtubers I watched a lot of times was Rob Dyke but youtube decided to make him change his name because "Dyke" means lesbian even though he had that name for years, I'm still going to call him Rob Dyke.

2019-07-01 03:18:28 UTC  

I just don't understand how Repzion is demonotized but Amberlynn Reid (the only Youtuber I dislike besides Onision), who is literally slowly killing herself on Youtube, is monotized...

2019-07-01 03:18:34 UTC  

I'm never gonna get used to that name change

2019-07-01 03:18:49 UTC  

That's NUTS OMG I LOVE ROB DYKE. He can't help his last name...

2019-07-01 03:18:59 UTC  

what rob gavagan lol

2019-07-01 03:19:07 UTC  


2019-07-01 03:19:28 UTC  

rob dyke even sounds better

2019-07-01 03:20:02 UTC  

I really liked listening to his "Serial Killer Profile"

2019-07-01 03:21:01 UTC  

Isn't AmberLynn Reid the 11 year old "model"

2019-07-01 03:21:10 UTC  

Now since he's been doing some ad's on his channel it's been getting kind cringe because he tries to be funny, I never seen him as funny in his videos because it gives off a different feel to them.

2019-07-01 03:21:25 UTC  

No, she's a "weight loss" channel. Started five years ago at 335 pounds, now weighs almost 600lbs...

2019-07-01 03:21:39 UTC  

It's depressing to watch.

2019-07-01 03:21:40 UTC  

Like one of them ad's was something to do with "Bee's" and he kept trying to make a joke about bee's.

2019-07-01 03:21:41 UTC  


2019-07-01 03:21:43 UTC  


2019-07-01 03:21:48 UTC  

Weight loss channel

2019-07-01 03:21:50 UTC  

But is now 600 LBS?

2019-07-01 03:21:58 UTC  


2019-07-01 03:22:04 UTC  

She dead names her trans-ex, she is an animal abuser, she lies, she falsely accused someone of rape....

2019-07-01 03:22:05 UTC  


2019-07-01 03:22:25 UTC  

She's overall very scummy. I don't wish bad on her, but she needs to be helped in like a hospital or something

2019-07-01 03:22:49 UTC  

She started out fat and got fatter and is now a blob?

2019-07-01 03:22:53 UTC  

So shes' JoySparkles?

2019-07-01 03:22:58 UTC  

Who is that? 😮

2019-07-01 03:23:02 UTC  

I'll show you Amberlynn Reid

2019-07-01 03:23:30 UTC  

A time lapse

2019-07-01 03:23:50 UTC  

She's sadly 80 pounds heavier than that last clip though, as the video was made last year.

2019-07-01 03:25:31 UTC  


2019-07-01 03:28:22 UTC  

I just constantly see rape allegations over and over now a days and it kind a pisses me off.

2019-07-01 03:29:22 UTC  

I'll be at work and when it's time to go to the break room we watch the tv and all the time someone would be accused of rape, it's just getting worse and worse.

2019-07-01 03:30:04 UTC  

you sure?

2019-07-01 03:30:42 UTC  

I feel like the people who make false allegations need serious consequences and mental health help, because it diminishes the terror survivors of assault go through. However, I am a firm believer than it is a huge issue that people are now gaining the courage to talk about more often. Don't the statistics say 1 in every 5 college students is raped?

2019-07-01 03:33:30 UTC  

The thing that i hate is sometimes it will be a false allegation and that person that was accused of rape has their life basically ruined and the woman that accused that person of rape gets off scot free and isn't really even punished that much and still can get a job and stuff while the guy even if it's proven that he didn't do anything will have a very hard time finding a job.

2019-07-01 03:36:06 UTC  

or that they will say that it happened "maybe about 30 years ago or somewhere around that time" which in my opinion is too long and should just get dismissed, Because it happened that many years ago so it would be very hard to get any sort of evidence or any proof of that it did happen or if it even happened in the first place.

2019-07-01 03:40:51 UTC  

I admire your ability to communicate your opinion on the topic so well. 😄 I agree with you on the first part that false accusations can cause trauma and a plethora of issues for the person accused, and those who make the false accusations do need to face consequences and get mental help (as someone in a healthy headspace wouldn't say or do such things). However, I disagree on the statement that 'too much time has passed to report'. It takes a lot for a person to talk about rape or sexual assault. It's traumatizing and dehumanizing. Due to some situations, some people don't gain the courage to report right away, or are unable to do so. I think anyone should report it any time to move forward and to get justice. For example, I haven't been raped, but I have been sexually assaulted. I'm in my early twenties and I confronted the person who assaulted me when I was only three years old just this Thursday. Due to the way I internalized trauma, I was not able to ever even think about it without full on blacking out, so I can understand why some people may not come forward. Sorry for the very personal details about me, I just wanted a concrete example to relate to.

2019-07-01 03:40:52 UTC  
