Message from @lukewarmwolf

Discord ID: 631585614546075659

2019-10-09 20:13:44 UTC  

what people also dont talk about: birth rates

2019-10-09 20:13:44 UTC  

Luckily if people don't care about climate change, I won't have to pull the trigger myself

2019-10-09 20:13:44 UTC  


2019-10-09 20:13:48 UTC  

especially in africa

2019-10-09 20:13:58 UTC  

Tl;Dr fuck humans, dogs are better people

2019-10-09 20:14:01 UTC  

Hold on now, lets deal with one world crisis at a time

2019-10-09 20:14:01 UTC  

but how DARE YOU want black people to have less children

2019-10-09 20:14:04 UTC  

😂 jk, continue

2019-10-09 20:14:24 UTC  

I love how the people in charge are panicking because of declining birthrates in westernized countries

2019-10-09 20:14:24 UTC  

imagine if africa had the same technology as europe

2019-10-09 20:14:34 UTC  

you know how many more people there are?

2019-10-09 20:14:38 UTC  


2019-10-09 20:14:44 UTC  

imagine all of them driving cars

2019-10-09 20:14:45 UTC  


2019-10-09 20:14:46 UTC  

i think everyone should die

2019-10-09 20:15:02 UTC  

@Shattered on a certain scale, they do. just not accessible to everyone

2019-10-09 20:15:09 UTC  

western birthrates are a little too low, thats absolutely true

2019-10-09 20:15:15 UTC  

I think people should have to have licenses or something to have kids tbh but that is too controversial

2019-10-09 20:15:25 UTC  


2019-10-09 20:15:39 UTC  

white people have less than 2 children per couple (average)

2019-10-09 20:15:44 UTC  

people make some stupid kids

2019-10-09 20:15:51 UTC  

in africa, you have birth rates between 3 and 12

2019-10-09 20:16:07 UTC  

cause the death rates are 10-fold

2019-10-09 20:16:14 UTC  

Also having kids when they cant take care of them. Only problem is trying to enforce something like that could be inhumane

2019-10-09 20:16:30 UTC  

kill the parents

2019-10-09 20:16:34 UTC  


2019-10-09 20:16:39 UTC  

african nations fail at building functional economies

2019-10-09 20:16:42 UTC  

what does the west do?

2019-10-09 20:16:44 UTC  

send money and food

2019-10-09 20:16:49 UTC  

that doesnt help them

2019-10-09 20:16:59 UTC  

that makes them feel richer than they are aka more kids

2019-10-09 20:17:02 UTC  

more hunger

2019-10-09 20:17:08 UTC  

and once the money runs out, more poverty

2019-10-09 20:17:28 UTC  

tell them to stop having so many kids

2019-10-09 20:17:32 UTC  

good luck

2019-10-09 20:17:33 UTC  

are you suggesting the west cut off aid and let darwinism take its course?

2019-10-09 20:17:46 UTC  

im down with that

2019-10-09 20:17:46 UTC  

yes, its not our job to fix them

2019-10-09 20:18:03 UTC  

Yeah they need help, but how? Take over? Doesn't go over well to enter a country and be like "hey you guys suck at running your country we are now in charge k"

2019-10-09 20:18:05 UTC  

we have tried that

2019-10-09 20:18:09 UTC  
