Message from @BABY WITCH

Discord ID: 638346708626964480

2019-10-28 11:56:59 UTC  

Sad, pathetic incel

2019-10-28 11:57:03 UTC  


2019-10-28 11:57:06 UTC  

With Mommy issues :)

2019-10-28 11:57:09 UTC  

Lmao @Lissy (Nebuliss) ily2 you're fine

2019-10-28 11:57:12 UTC  


2019-10-28 11:57:31 UTC  

I'm content with my nose so he can say what he would like about it.

2019-10-28 11:58:10 UTC  

nothing wrong with your nose

2019-10-28 11:58:27 UTC  

he just tries to look for anything he can grasp on

2019-10-28 11:58:34 UTC  


2019-10-28 11:58:43 UTC  

What a sad state of affairs

2019-10-28 11:58:45 UTC  


2019-10-28 12:00:17 UTC  

I suppose I'd rather have a morbidly large nose than a morbidly large body tho so 🤷

2019-10-28 12:00:39 UTC  

Just say obese

2019-10-28 12:00:49 UTC  

An obese nose.

2019-10-28 12:00:57 UTC  


2019-10-28 12:01:03 UTC  


2019-10-28 12:01:17 UTC  

no way bro

2019-10-28 12:01:20 UTC  

a man liking boobs

2019-10-28 12:01:40 UTC  

Hey some guys aren't as into the boobies.

2019-10-28 12:01:44 UTC  

Some prefer the booty

2019-10-28 12:01:55 UTC  


2019-10-28 12:02:00 UTC  

my dear it is a matter of preference in terms of ranking

2019-10-28 12:02:07 UTC  


2019-10-28 12:02:13 UTC  

'my dear'

2019-10-28 12:02:17 UTC  

im 55

2019-10-28 12:02:23 UTC  


2019-10-28 12:02:27 UTC  

You might as well have said m'lady

2019-10-28 12:02:33 UTC  

Holy shit you're 55?

2019-10-28 12:02:37 UTC  


2019-10-28 12:02:40 UTC  
2019-10-28 12:02:45 UTC  

Oh that makes me happy

2019-10-28 12:02:48 UTC  

also do you kids know how to contact the hot single ladies i get on my ads

2019-10-28 12:02:56 UTC  


2019-10-28 12:03:00 UTC  

yes. click the banners.

2019-10-28 12:03:04 UTC  

Oh he's joking about the age isn't he

2019-10-28 12:03:04 UTC  

also i need a spare email for the nigerian prince

2019-10-28 12:03:10 UTC  


2019-10-28 12:03:13 UTC  

yeah, just send money to my paypal and they will contact you!

2019-10-28 12:03:22 UTC  

i'll use the money i got from being the millionth visitor

2019-10-28 12:03:40 UTC  

of grandmafuckshard.cum

2019-10-28 12:03:54 UTC  

and, boy