Message from @Lao

Discord ID: 640599020200263681

2019-11-03 17:09:53 UTC  

Timothy Shieff is a professional freerunner.
Shieff went vegan after suffering from mild tendonitis — a common condition where tendons become inflamed from overuse.
In an interview with animal activist group PETA, Shieff said: "I'm healthier and happier than I've ever been and most importantly, no animals are harmed. Since going vegan I can train longer and harder and even noticed my body heals a lot quicker. I used to have tendonitis which has completely cleared up!"

2019-11-03 17:09:54 UTC  

I **dont care** if you eat meat, but stop shitting on me because I don't. I follow a seriously healthy diet and am probably fitter than you

2019-11-03 17:09:55 UTC  

Lmao TIL

2019-11-03 17:10:07 UTC  

Because all that aniaml diet protein helped his muscles previously

He's been on an anomal diet majority of his life he already had the physique alk he did was atarve himself till he lost more fat

2019-11-03 17:10:09 UTC  

Oh hey more vegan UFC fighters.

2019-11-03 17:10:17 UTC  


2019-11-03 17:10:23 UTC  

Bruce Lee would cuck dem all

2019-11-03 17:10:27 UTC  

Abel "Killa" Trujillo.

2019-11-03 17:10:39 UTC  

But yeah no.

2019-11-03 17:10:42 UTC  

Arnold Schwarzenegger is vegan

2019-11-03 17:10:49 UTC  

You are literally -blatantly- wrong on there being no vegan athletes, or bodybuilders

2019-11-03 17:10:50 UTC  


2019-11-03 17:10:56 UTC  

There are. There's even some who are literally HALL OF FAME levels

2019-11-03 17:10:59 UTC  

He has NOT been a vegan his whole life.

2019-11-03 17:11:09 UTC  

Not to mention some that are boxers, from two different weight classes lmao.

2019-11-03 17:11:14 UTC  

Which is nuts.

2019-11-03 17:11:24 UTC  

This is a very ridiculous argument.

2019-11-03 17:11:30 UTC  

@Lao >arnold
>built himself on roids and animal foods
>bruh veganism is ehat made me strong
>literslly drasticslly aged on his diet

2019-11-03 17:11:45 UTC  

He changed his diet later in life lmao

2019-11-03 17:11:47 UTC

2019-11-03 17:11:48 UTC  

Or he aged because...hes old

2019-11-03 17:11:51 UTC  


2019-11-03 17:11:54 UTC  

The dude is like 70

2019-11-03 17:11:59 UTC  

I'm surprised he even looks the way he does.

2019-11-03 17:12:04 UTC  

70 and can stop a drop kick lol

2019-11-03 17:12:08 UTC  


2019-11-03 17:12:12 UTC  

Dude could kick your teeth in, even at his age 🤷

2019-11-03 17:12:13 UTC  

I'm gonna go have dinner

2019-11-03 17:12:19 UTC  

He's still fit af.

2019-11-03 17:12:20 UTC  


2019-11-03 17:12:23 UTC  

No shit sherlock

2019-11-03 17:12:31 UTC  

The roids definitely had an effect on him later in life lmao

2019-11-03 17:13:12 UTC  

Have you seen him before an after veganism? It's his diet bro he aged yes but a lotnof old fit people his age that aren't vegan don't look that bad.

2019-11-03 17:13:25 UTC  

At 70?

2019-11-03 17:13:34 UTC  

Like how many 70 year old vegans do you know?

2019-11-03 17:13:50 UTC  

Not many admittedly

2019-11-03 17:14:00 UTC  

You can't really definitively say he aged rapidly due to going vegan.

2019-11-03 17:14:15 UTC  

Any number of things could be at play.

2019-11-03 17:14:15 UTC  

People often hit a point in their sixties where they start looking old

2019-11-03 17:14:48 UTC  

Being fit/=/health

Literslly roids is what made arnold successful if he was just a vegan and had no roids he'd be incredibly small

I know a lot of people bring up patrick baboumian or whatever hai name is and yet he's never been a strongman

2019-11-03 17:15:09 UTC  

But I can promise you he probably has access to a lot more diet professionals and doctors than any of us. Probably will live to an older age too