Message from @dani(el)

Discord ID: 640603152415981585

2019-11-03 17:27:03 UTC  

i live in denmark and we are bacon condesours, i would recommend anyone to have a slice of bacon.

2019-11-03 17:27:06 UTC  

Not in that amount lmao

2019-11-03 17:27:12 UTC  

Fat soluble vitamins make meat good for you

2019-11-03 17:27:24 UTC  

You shouldn't be aiming to consume fatty meat

2019-11-03 17:27:31 UTC  

Eating fat/=/being fat

2019-11-03 17:27:35 UTC  

@Seabass yeah, fats as in the fats found in almonds, fish, omega 3 etc

2019-11-03 17:27:41 UTC  

My dietician has told put me on a high calorie diet. I am allowed to have all the bacon and eggs for breakfast that I could want

2019-11-03 17:27:41 UTC  

Not fat as in actual fat on meat

2019-11-03 17:27:41 UTC  

Fstty meats are good for you

2019-11-03 17:27:42 UTC  

You can be skinny and still be unhealthy

2019-11-03 17:27:43 UTC  

Mmm, fish. I wish I could eat fish

2019-11-03 17:27:49 UTC  


2019-11-03 17:27:52 UTC  

Fish can be bad for you too

2019-11-03 17:27:54 UTC  

Avocados too. Good fats.

2019-11-03 17:27:55 UTC  

I live in one of the best seafood states in the US

2019-11-03 17:27:58 UTC  

But I can't fucking eat any.

2019-11-03 17:28:04 UTC  


2019-11-03 17:28:04 UTC  

But it's a very good meat

2019-11-03 17:28:08 UTC  

@Lao almonds got anti nutrients tho and yes fish very healthy omega 3s are insanely healthy

2019-11-03 17:28:13 UTC  

Also avocados are delicious.

2019-11-03 17:28:13 UTC  

Lean meats GOAT

2019-11-03 17:28:20 UTC  

I've never tried an avocado tbh

2019-11-03 17:28:20 UTC  


2019-11-03 17:28:21 UTC  

Love me some avocados.

2019-11-03 17:28:22 UTC  

What are you talking about with this anti nutrient shit

2019-11-03 17:28:24 UTC  

I never buy them though

2019-11-03 17:28:24 UTC  

Yes actual fat in the meat

2019-11-03 17:28:26 UTC  

@Syenite May I cook for you?

2019-11-03 17:28:34 UTC  

Look uo fat solubke vitamins

2019-11-03 17:28:36 UTC  

@Blaundee of course

2019-11-03 17:28:37 UTC  

All meat has fat it in bro

2019-11-03 17:28:40 UTC  

go look up anti nutrients if u think vegans are healthy

2019-11-03 17:28:43 UTC  

i love maggot cheese

2019-11-03 17:28:45 UTC  

I gotta go tho ttyl

2019-11-03 17:28:47 UTC  

But you shouldn't aim to eat fatty meat

2019-11-03 17:28:50 UTC  

Maggot cheese

2019-11-03 17:28:51 UTC  


2019-11-03 17:29:04 UTC  

Adios amigos

2019-11-03 17:29:06 UTC  

Reminders me of the lion king

2019-11-03 17:29:11 UTC  


2019-11-03 17:29:12 UTC  

When he eats the grubs