Message from @_Triffle

Discord ID: 649298020478746625

2019-11-27 17:03:06 UTC  

Its also not equivalent to the thing onion did which was what I was trying to say ._.

2019-11-27 17:03:17 UTC  


2019-11-27 17:03:49 UTC  

and anyway, who cares if I wanna pat chris hansen on the back for trying to help in this situation.

2019-11-27 17:03:59 UTC  

idek why you all brought that up

2019-11-27 17:05:45 UTC  


2019-11-27 17:06:54 UTC  

Somebody toucha my spaghet

2019-11-27 17:07:15 UTC  

All my point is, don't dismiss crimes, Chris has some shit stuff too. I agree with Autism. Crazy enough.

2019-11-27 17:07:21 UTC  


2019-11-27 17:07:21 UTC  

R.I.N Toki

2019-11-27 17:09:58 UTC  

Chris Hansen's crimes are not of my concern at the moment

2019-11-27 17:10:45 UTC  

while yes, they are relevant to the grand scheme of things, in the correlation to Onision, they do not matter

2019-11-27 17:13:05 UTC  

Well this is new.

2019-11-27 17:13:48 UTC  

Holy crap onion doxxing people? Wowwwwwwwww

2019-11-27 17:14:44 UTC  


2019-11-27 17:14:49 UTC  

But i would.

2019-11-27 17:14:59 UTC  

I just caught up on this lol

2019-11-27 17:15:21 UTC  


2019-11-27 17:17:17 UTC  

Imma watch the "so called onion meltdown" when I get home lol

2019-11-27 17:17:23 UTC  

I can't wait to laugh

2019-11-27 17:18:28 UTC  

Honest it wasnt funny or disturbing

2019-11-27 17:18:31 UTC  

It was kinda saf

2019-11-27 17:18:33 UTC  


2019-11-27 17:19:05 UTC  

Yea plus you know, Tax Evasion for Bouncing Checks.

2019-11-27 17:19:08 UTC  

But u kno

2019-11-27 17:19:20 UTC  

O sorry

2019-11-27 17:26:08 UTC  

Imma watch it while I have a glass of wine later LOL

2019-11-27 17:26:14 UTC  

Make it more funny

2019-11-27 17:28:28 UTC  

Went on his Twitter for the first time

2019-11-27 17:28:30 UTC  

What the fuck

2019-11-27 17:29:09 UTC  

Yeah its.... Pretty funny that he is making himself look like an asshole

2019-11-27 17:29:13 UTC  

Which we all know he is

2019-11-27 17:29:28 UTC  

Like the stuff he is saying is making my skin crawl

2019-11-27 17:30:24 UTC  

It's hard to get disturbed at stupid shit like this but jesus

2019-11-27 17:30:44 UTC  

It's like he went off the deep end

2019-11-27 17:30:47 UTC  

Usually you only see that on the degenerate fuckers

2019-11-27 17:30:47 UTC  

Yea, no.......his meltdown is hilarious

2019-11-27 17:30:49 UTC  

Oh wait, he already did

2019-11-27 17:30:58 UTC  

i couldn't stop laughing for hours

2019-11-27 17:31:01 UTC  

Theres no way this dude has 3 kids

2019-11-27 17:31:07 UTC  


2019-11-27 17:31:09 UTC  

I know what a meltdown is and I have them often