Message from @Sev3617

Discord ID: 652003998831869952

2019-12-05 04:17:27 UTC  

Okay what the fuck is going on

2019-12-05 04:17:44 UTC  

The work of Godd Howard my son

2019-12-05 04:19:17 UTC  

You wanna know what’s really going on

2019-12-05 04:19:27 UTC  

The power of Jay Leno's cock compels you thought

2019-12-05 04:20:55 UTC  

It’s the sound of a man falling into insanity as Bethesda crumbles and falls apart in glorious brand new lighting, rendering, and landscape technology, you can see distant weather systems across the map much like how you can see Bethesda falling apart, those distant storms are a metaphor for our great company crumbling

2019-12-05 04:21:09 UTC  


2019-12-05 04:21:42 UTC  

*whos laughing now*

2019-12-05 04:21:47 UTC  

<a:hue:586420200392622081> <a:hue:586420200392622081> <a:hue:586420200392622081> <a:hue:586420200392622081>

2019-12-05 04:22:21 UTC  

I saw the emperor torching the dedra Prince of destructions cock today... And yesterday and the day before i sware thats all he dose

2019-12-05 04:22:21 UTC  


2019-12-05 04:22:44 UTC  


2019-12-05 04:22:48 UTC  


2019-12-05 04:23:12 UTC  

Im gonna fucking kill myself I’ll be right back

2019-12-05 04:23:16 UTC  

Ok i get it bud

2019-12-05 04:24:49 UTC  


2019-12-05 04:25:47 UTC  

Are you okay

2019-12-05 04:28:14 UTC  

Honestly no

2019-12-05 04:28:31 UTC  

It’s a scary feeling when you can feel yourself slipping

2019-12-05 04:28:32 UTC  

No I’m not

2019-12-05 04:29:12 UTC  

Show me on the collectible Fallout 76 minifigure where mr. Howard touched you

2019-12-05 04:31:06 UTC  

I have so many urges right now to do horrific things

2019-12-05 04:31:32 UTC  

It’s all fucking pointless

2019-12-05 04:32:02 UTC  

I’m just trying to distract myself

2019-12-05 04:32:25 UTC  

I don’t want to feed it

2019-12-05 04:37:50 UTC  

Sorry didn’t mean to kill the mood I’ll just leave

2019-12-05 04:41:35 UTC  

@Crowely fuck yourself

2019-12-05 04:41:48 UTC  

He would never do such a thing

2019-12-05 04:42:21 UTC  

Howard is a good guy, he's just obsessed with Skyrim and hates Fallout...

2019-12-05 04:45:49 UTC  

Everyone just ignore the virgin

2019-12-05 04:59:50 UTC  

I always ignore virgins

2019-12-05 05:01:55 UTC  

Uh.. Hi y'all

2019-12-05 05:02:09 UTC  


2019-12-05 05:02:10 UTC  

I'm Jenna. You can call me Jen though

2019-12-05 05:02:22 UTC  


2019-12-05 05:02:29 UTC  

Y'all are fucked

2019-12-05 05:02:35 UTC  

no u

2019-12-05 05:05:13 UTC  

holy shit

2019-12-05 05:05:23 UTC  

Shit holy

2019-12-05 05:05:28 UTC  

this chick on fb called this guy whos autistic a fat fucking retard and i dug up her info and shes in a management position at an autism charity lol

2019-12-05 05:05:31 UTC  

i just talked to her bosses

2019-12-05 05:05:51 UTC