Message from @Linus85
Discord ID: 618157902376468483
the nosse guy placed out the signs and forced people to buy a thing for 10k so he will remove these signs
are you going to remove those shop signs?
i gtg rn
i want to know if he took all our items or not
please hurry
im worried
Why enter the server and then play dota2?
your mod
your work is to help people
i was told he was banned
can you remove the shop signs?
like he placed on our chests
sorry for being dumb but im in a real hurry
can u restore
@Curdled_Anal_Chunks its //undo
the command
not even curdled can remove
@Curdled_Anal_Chunks can u give repsterrpmcm
I'm starting 2 community build projects
1. Terraform and expand the area immediately after spawntown in general. Currently griefable, so any significant progress making roads, lights, etc should be worldguarded soon after
2. Shit tonna map art. I'm going old-school handmade instead of creative because no money and the satisfaction of working on it
So, I suggest a new channel for volunteers to discuss progress called #community-build-projects
@DeLong @matthew888777 these arent suggestions. Use the correct channels
learn what the fucking economy is like and then sell houses
So you mean change the prices?
meaning dont sell a big ass house for a stack of diamonds when diamonds are worth 30 dollars 🤡
I don't charge diamonds anymore
That's a holdover