Message from @Mart

Discord ID: 613108006216925196

2019-07-16 01:43:15 UTC  
2019-07-16 01:43:37 UTC  
2019-07-17 14:17:37 UTC  

@everyone this is for you block house niggas:

2019-07-18 06:18:39 UTC  

@everyone also vote for us on PMC, k thanx

2019-07-19 02:32:58 UTC  

@everyone In case you forgot, the IP is:

2019-07-22 15:45:20 UTC  

@everyone Come ride the new roller coaster at spawn

2019-07-23 02:10:36 UTC  

@everyone if you play on the Minecraft server you can get a free promotion (staff excluded)

2019-07-27 14:23:48 UTC  

@everyone I have hernias and other issue, so if my anus ever ruptures while im in the bathroom pooping. I plan on shooting myself. This is here so my roommate/police/friends/family know why I shot myself

2019-07-27 14:48:15 UTC  

It's a pasta

2019-07-27 20:47:42 UTC

2019-07-27 21:17:28 UTC  

Alright @Mart, which YouTube tutorial did you copy for those?

2019-07-27 21:57:20 UTC  

My brain

2019-07-30 20:07:05 UTC  

@everyone we have just added a larger rendering of the Dynmap, a gold bag economy plugin, a starter shop, and a bank in spawn. We've also added money drops for fishing, killing mobs, killing players, and mining precious ores. Come check it out! You can see the top money makers by typing /money bag top

2019-07-31 15:17:02 UTC  

@everyone The new mall is now open for business! We sell dyes, food, armor, farming supplies and more! Come buy a shop for only 4000 GC

2019-08-03 15:44:36 UTC  

@everyone now you can get paid to farm, start breaking the crops and grabbing the cash!

2019-08-10 14:58:48 UTC  

@everyone epstein died in his jail cell from 'suicide' nice and convenient for all the other people he was about to expose

2019-08-17 19:17:19 UTC  

@everyone land in spawn is $30 per block, come build today!

2019-08-18 21:45:24 UTC  


2019-08-19 00:55:24 UTC  

<@&603014881376993292> Minecraft server is bumping tonight! Come play

2019-08-19 20:32:19 UTC  


2019-08-21 01:07:47 UTC  

<@&603014881376993292> Minecraft time

2019-08-22 06:29:11 UTC  

@everyone if you wanna become an enlister then dm me and you can help grow Infinity Dark! <:Picardia:392506156708265984>

2019-08-23 23:11:40 UTC  

@everyone shill here for free promotion:

2019-08-24 14:15:05 UTC  

@everyone Listen up you bunch of roody-poo faggots. I've been seeing a lot of so-called "tough guy internet trolls" here lately talking a big game about how they think they can handle Andy Sixx and his sopping hot log of shit SLIDDING down their fucking throats. (That's right, bitch. It's spelled "slidding". S-L-I-D-D-I-N-G. Deal with it.) Ha! You make me laugh, kiddo. You really do. Did you seriously think you could just wash up here and slurp that corn-studded behemoth of creamy fucking shit out of ANDY SIXX's sexy, gothcore rectulum? Did you really think you'r sorry ass could just waltz right out for amateur hour and part those pale, black veil buttcheeks and tongue -punch the fecal feeding bar like some sort of ass-shit munching butthole rat? PSHHT come on kid, get real. I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast. Andy's shit. I bet Andy wouldn't even be able to get off a little pre-shit fart before your pussy lips curled in defeat. You think when Andy takes a break from performing on a hot stage in leather pants and goes to craft services and eats two dozen raw oysters that were not properly handled or refrigerated washed down with a quart of whole milk and tequila - that Andy just squeezes out of his skin-and-air-tight pleather slacks and goes easy on your throat? You fucking wish, jr. When Andy says he's ready to blow the walls off a 110-degree warped-tour portajon and your pathetic little tonsils can't even take the first loaf, I'll put my hand on your shoulder and say, "Nothing personnel, kid" and then suck down every last heaping fucking clogger andy pumps out. And I'll come back for seconds. And thirds.You know why? Because I have Logtismo. Because I believe in three things and three things only: the cream, the steam, and the fucking dream, baby. So step aside, keep your little logsucking fantasy in your mind where it belongs, and let the real men do the slidding. His log loaf is mine, bitch. What are you gonna do about it?

2019-08-25 04:15:41 UTC  

@here if you are into runescape, spongeblade2 on twitch

2019-08-25 04:16:22 UTC  

show him at least a hello

2019-08-27 00:31:58 UTC  

@everyone have about 10 pounds of honeycomb. Helped an injured bee-farmer while he was recovering and it's how I got paid. Insanely fresh and basically lasts forever. PM me if you want some

2019-08-28 16:49:06 UTC  

@everyone my 1984 camaro is finally up and running. After a crackhead from my school stole half the parts of the car. I bought the parts back and had it towed an hour away from me. But now the engine is running. If I was able to cry I most likely would

2019-08-29 14:15:54 UTC  

@everyone go here and enlist, they are probably the worst community I've been in so far:

2019-08-29 14:16:30 UTC  

>good staff
>muted for day for saying a word

2019-08-29 16:04:19 UTC  

Why won't you faggots use the Mumble? Huh? Is @Curdled_Anal_Chunks scaring you away?

2019-08-29 16:04:35 UTC  


2019-08-29 17:29:54 UTC  

I have a job 😅

2019-08-30 00:35:53 UTC  

Mumble server is going to be down for a little bit. ||Not that any of you used it anyway...||

2019-08-30 15:23:33 UTC  

@everyone this is not a server of inclusion <:NazBol:435569221091721216>

2019-08-30 15:23:56 UTC  

Mumble is back up.

2019-08-30 15:25:42 UTC  

Okay I'll be on a bit later

2019-08-31 15:07:42 UTC  

@everyone I would suggest reading the rules and following them so you don't get banned. Shilling a server is not allowed. Pm an admin and they will shill it, assuming it is approved

2019-09-02 15:05:27 UTC  

@everyone the money system has changed! There was an economy breaking glitch that was happening because of a conflict between QuickShop and BagOfGold. Our new plugin is FE. You can see your balance with /fe and you can see the top players with /fe top
Refunds are as follows:
Vets+: 10,000 (unless it was duped)
Members: 5,000
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns then please dm me or ping one of the staff to fix your balance, give commands, etc.

2019-09-05 00:18:04 UTC  

@everyone Have any suggestions to make you more active on our minecraft server? plugins? bases? Let us know in suggestions! We are happy to help!