Message from @creepyAnon

Discord ID: 644578073924206619

2019-11-14 13:29:57 UTC  

omg that congressdude rocks! 😄 😛

2019-11-14 14:57:09 UTC  

5G LED street light stripped down for what it is .. worth watching.. this guys who’s going threw the courts fighting 5G roll out in England

2019-11-14 14:58:16 UTC  

that doesn't even make any sense

2019-11-14 14:59:59 UTC  

yeah, that guy is fucking retarded.

2019-11-14 15:00:46 UTC  

the more i hear about 5G the more i feel it is the DS trying to create resistance against something that will allow us to communicate more effectively

2019-11-14 16:10:19 UTC  

@DaveyJones maybe you could come up with some research showing 5G is safe? I'm not finding any.

2019-11-14 16:10:46 UTC  

I agree .

2019-11-14 16:11:22 UTC  

Where they actually admit to testing it all the birds in area fell out of sky DEAD

2019-11-14 16:12:02 UTC  

Consequently, what I find is evidence of 5G being used as an active denial system by the military.

2019-11-14 16:12:21 UTC  

True too

2019-11-14 16:18:58 UTC  

4G phones have a user manual. Safety instxns say to keep the phone antenna away from the body. MM wave microwave technology is more damaging from my understanding so, absent any research, my position is move forward when proven safe. Not before.

2019-11-14 16:20:11 UTC  

no zebond, i don't need to

2019-11-14 16:20:18 UTC  

you all need to present evidence there is a danger

2019-11-14 16:20:30 UTC  

and that particular guy's argument is beyond retarded

2019-11-14 16:20:35 UTC  

welp i am not so sure about the dead bird situation, cuz, bio structure difference maybe ? like, my father used to believe that soap water is extremely poisonous cuz it kills roaches instantly, not many things can kill roaches that fast... turnout that soap melts the wax on roaches making them not able to breath...

2019-11-14 16:25:41 UTC  

ok then mary poppins, you tell me wtf radio signals have to do with LEDs and how a piece of wire is so fucking dangerous?

2019-11-14 16:29:06 UTC  

or how that device even relates to 5G

2019-11-14 16:43:08 UTC  

Potential false flag op underway. Shooting at a Santa Clarita high School here in California. 7 reported killed.

2019-11-14 16:43:58 UTC  

Correction "7 ppl shot"

2019-11-14 16:55:00 UTC  

7 people injured, 2 in critical condition

2019-11-14 16:55:12 UTC  

sounds like a small caliber weapon

2019-11-14 17:03:13 UTC  

Probably a distraction from the impeachment circus

2019-11-14 17:07:17 UTC  

@DaveyJones Not like you will even read it but, someone will, here is a start of what you asked for... It's not whether 5G is dangerous, it's how dangerous is it?

2019-11-14 17:08:07 UTC  

my comments are about that particular video

2019-11-14 17:12:33 UTC  

Yep and you said show the research to show it is not safe... There you go... Like I said, methinks you will not read it or any of the footnotes because it goes greatly against your thought process but, someone will who is curious. Blessings friend

2019-11-14 17:12:58 UTC  

no, i asked more specific questions about claims made in that video

2019-11-14 17:13:17 UTC  

and pointed out the burden of evidence is on that guy, not me

2019-11-14 17:13:46 UTC  

that device he has there prolly doesn't even have jack to do with 5G or cellphones at all

2019-11-14 17:18:30 UTC  

This is a copy and paste of your comment... "no zebond, i don't need to
you all need to present evidence there is a danger
and that particular guy's argument is beyond retarded" I'll grant you added the point about the argument at the end of the statement, it was over looked. My point still stands 5G is not safe and there are reasons to modify it to safe standards, prove it safe and then proceed. 5G is a military grade active denial system that can be used to control people by nefarious individuals. Can you imagine what this world would be like with MAdam Schiff in control of 5G?

2019-11-14 17:19:01 UTC  

dude it's radio signals

2019-11-14 17:19:14 UTC  

the only potential danger is an increase in cancer, and even that is disputable

2019-11-14 17:20:09 UTC  

but anyways, it's that particular guy who i have a problem with

2019-11-14 17:20:28 UTC  

he is either massively ignorant or exploiting other people's ignorance

2019-11-14 17:21:14 UTC  

Believe as you wish friend. We will see what comes of it.

2019-11-14 17:26:21 UTC  

it's not a matter of belief, that guy is full of shit

2019-11-14 17:27:16 UTC  

as for 5g in general, i noticed trump supports it

2019-11-14 17:27:27 UTC  

So a 450V transformer does not concern you in a LED street light? It doesn't make you ask any questions?

2019-11-14 17:27:34 UTC  
