Message from @Lord Joe
Discord ID: 296051553272332288
Yeah, that's about it
what's the worst non-ironic argument you've ever heard?
oh I got one TODAY
Be a good goy, contribute to dah free markets, go home, sit on your dragon dildo, laugh at current year man, and walk by the next terrorist attack, wash, rinse and repeat
@Lord Joe Today I was at my class this brainwashed female was sharing food with someone, I said that, "You know you can catch Mono from that, right?" She said this IN QUOTE, "Don't fucking judge me white male."
I wanted to just fucking..
Do it
Don't let people get away with it
Because that's how it gets worse
No you see if I did I would get kicked out of my class
I need this class
In the end, what matters more?
The class or your civilization?
Well I got an even better one
I dont know anymore
Go ahead Joe
And I would bring up some of the comsitutional arguments the bundies and Lavoy Finicum would bring up
And I shit you not
The person responded with "Well they have the mormon interpatation of the consitution"
Kill me
I cannot take this shit
>constitution written in Reformed Egyptian
my sides
This is what he have to go up against for
Well, can anyone beat that
I had a leftie call me a coward when I advoacated against letting in hordes of muslims that would destroy the country
It was pretty funny
I'm a coward when I don't want to have my people be blown up by cultural enrichment
And there are different versions of the consitution