Message from @Monstrous Moonshine

Discord ID: 635102333071785997

2019-10-19 13:06:33 UTC  

Real redpill is knowing that many more are swayed more by a meme, factoid or a good speech which plants seeds of doubts in them, about their own narratives

2019-10-19 13:06:38 UTC  

Much more than they will ever be swayed by looking at pages and pages of research and statistics
The real red pill is recognizing this

2019-10-19 13:06:39 UTC  

"Goyim were born only to serve us"

2019-10-19 13:06:55 UTC  

this is true

2019-10-19 13:07:01 UTC  

So I don't really care about random individuals who might be against us in the near future

2019-10-19 13:07:05 UTC  

Crush all gnats

2019-10-19 13:07:20 UTC  

meaning intelligence is less important than the art of persuasion

2019-10-19 13:07:28 UTC  

"YoU GuYs dOnt eveN eXist AnyMorE"

>Literally had increasing influence in multiple European countries

2019-10-19 13:07:43 UTC  


2019-10-19 13:07:54 UTC  

Imagine thinking WW2 vets would have anything to do with these degenerates

2019-10-19 13:08:16 UTC  

To be honest, if Classical Liberalism is unable to counter the communist threat, Fascism eventually WILL

2019-10-19 13:08:20 UTC  

tbh my Great-granddad died so you could have mixed race drag kids

2019-10-19 13:08:23 UTC  

that is inevitable

2019-10-19 13:08:55 UTC  

people will only tolerant communist subversion of authority for so long

2019-10-19 13:08:58 UTC  

not to protect is nation and culture, or anything

2019-10-19 13:09:06 UTC  

Imagine the real nazis not shooting the modern so called alt right

2019-10-19 13:09:24 UTC  

alt-right aren't the 'real right'

2019-10-19 13:09:45 UTC  

yeah man, the real right are Libertarian /s

2019-10-19 13:09:46 UTC  

you forget those that don't use their mouths but instead use their fists

2019-10-19 13:09:46 UTC  

The dumb right

2019-10-19 13:09:55 UTC

2019-10-19 13:10:23 UTC  

Tbf that would happen

2019-10-19 13:10:31 UTC  

you won't ever 'hear' these men; you'll only 'feel' their club to your head

2019-10-19 13:10:51 UTC  

the alt-right are just intellectual pretenders

2019-10-19 13:11:01 UTC  

If you want to hear these men, just see the Internet Bloodsports and the Kraut debacle

2019-10-19 13:11:08 UTC  

oh god

2019-10-19 13:11:18 UTC  

That retard got his ass handed to him so bad that he fled the internet for a while

2019-10-19 13:11:32 UTC  

nah, but those men will WATCH such thing

2019-10-19 13:11:46 UTC  

bloodsports are STILL just talk

2019-10-19 13:11:55 UTC  

empty barrells

2019-10-19 13:12:23 UTC

2019-10-19 13:12:39 UTC  

kraut is about as alpha as Napolean Dynamite

2019-10-19 13:13:16 UTC  

WW2 vets would've shot modern degenerates like you on sight

2019-10-19 13:13:41 UTC  

Didn’t know or care who Kraut was until people told me he screamed like a bitch at a women

2019-10-19 13:13:45 UTC  

you should be alittle more specific there, Chevy

2019-10-19 13:14:42 UTC  

is it more of a bitch to scream at a woman or to bitch slap one who is weaker than you are

2019-10-19 13:15:11 UTC  

or say nothing at tolerate the person invading your space?

2019-10-19 13:15:16 UTC  

based jannies

2019-10-19 13:15:23 UTC  

Pretty sure aydin could take Kraut in fight

2019-10-19 13:15:47 UTC  

Aydin has high T though

2019-10-19 13:15:58 UTC