Message from @Lucienne d'Anwyl
Discord ID: 635929372058058762
without a trace
And your running out? Lol
so i do indeed appreciate saving stuff
of specific fetishes yknow
i like kink shit you know
ya we know that
Luci a cp star confirmed
Lol, I’ve been looking into games and such. So happy you can get that shit on steam now
you can get a lot for free too
the extent of my kink is sub/dom
anything on steam is available on erogedownload for free
and I guess, if you can call it a kink, I'm into harems
but anyways yeah
lotsa really good pron images
Kinks are like BO, everyone has it, and sometimes you don’t notice it until it’s pointed out to you.
so i save them
i can randomly sift through them
pretty quickly if i wan
which is nice
better than any other image aggregator site
to just browse my own stuff
I mean I guess if you lose internet your still golden, but I won’t die without it
neither will i
but i dunno
i lik doing it
i really should do more work saving the comics i like tho
cuz those are really annoying to find again
but its mostly just single image stuff
As Ken ashcorp says, we don’t kinkshame, if you’re into it, just be into it
I love those songs