Message from @Blaster Master

Discord ID: 639017745245143040

2019-10-30 08:23:16 UTC  

Just use duckduckgo.

2019-10-30 08:23:31 UTC  

fucking streetshitters

2019-10-30 08:24:47 UTC  


2019-10-30 08:24:54 UTC  


2019-10-30 08:25:09 UTC  

If you want, I can help you with linux.

2019-10-30 08:25:15 UTC  

c'mon I need to go to pornhub and fap to pantyhose porn

2019-10-30 08:26:04 UTC  

I am not installing no OS I am too retarded for that

2019-10-30 08:26:25 UTC  

Awh, join club pinguin team.

2019-10-30 08:26:50 UTC  

is it free

2019-10-30 08:27:00 UTC  

All linux distro's are free.

2019-10-30 08:27:06 UTC  

Just join a porn discord server

2019-10-30 08:27:08 UTC  

Discord works

2019-10-30 08:27:10 UTC  

It cost by experiance, and knowledge.

2019-10-30 08:27:13 UTC  


2019-10-30 08:27:33 UTC  

And pretty much most of it is simple.

2019-10-30 08:27:42 UTC  


Literally the same shit.

2019-10-30 08:27:49 UTC  

will i have higher fps in meincraft if I use linux

2019-10-30 08:28:04 UTC  

Well, I have jvm's you can use to get more out of it.

2019-10-30 08:28:09 UTC  

Depending on ram tho.

2019-10-30 08:28:22 UTC  

4 gb ram 2 able to be allocated

2019-10-30 08:28:26 UTC  

Just remember the roblox developers are autistic.

2019-10-30 08:28:30 UTC  

So no linux.

2019-10-30 08:28:47 UTC  

But funny thing, they added vulkan, and have all of their servers on ubuntu.

2019-10-30 08:28:48 UTC  

No I mean 2 I allocate to minecraft

2019-10-30 08:28:59 UTC  

4 gb avaible generally

2019-10-30 08:29:04 UTC  


2019-10-30 08:29:49 UTC  

so will I be able to shoot creepers with my nuclear catapult at a higher fps with that pen guin guy

2019-10-30 08:30:19 UTC  

```-d64 -Xmx2G -Xms1G -Xmn1G -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16M
-d64, Is telling it to go into 64bit
-d64, only works in windows, and will break on linux. So remove -64.
-Xmx2G, is the system memory for minecraft... IE ram.
-Xms1G -Xmn1G, is the garbage collector.
-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2, is the cores threads of the CPU
-XX:+AggressiveOpts, throws the game into aggressive mode.

2019-10-30 08:30:33 UTC  

Just copy, what's in the box.

2019-10-30 08:30:40 UTC  

The list shows what each does.

2019-10-30 08:31:11 UTC  

Delete system 32 that'll stop svarhost

2019-10-30 08:31:46 UTC  

hmm it would fuck the game though

2019-10-30 08:32:59 UTC  

copy and do what with it?

2019-10-30 08:33:56 UTC  

It'll just give more load speed to the game.

2019-10-30 08:34:00 UTC  

For weaker systems.

2019-10-30 08:34:55 UTC  

Also for the -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2

You need to know how many cores your CPU has, before jacking the number value, up, or down.

2019-10-30 08:35:18 UTC  

yeah but were to dI paste it

2019-10-30 08:37:52 UTC  

are you fucking me. All this time and it just tells me that it doesn't need an update

2019-10-30 08:37:53 UTC  


2019-10-30 08:38:23 UTC  

well, looks like Intel HD Graphics is getting no update