Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 288070579855163392
No noticeable antifa presence here
Also, I've eaten many ghost peppers, so I'm getting ready for the pepper spray if it somehow makes it through the faceshield.
@Lord Joe im in PA, not that relevant here, never seen them, although black panther party has a decently large footprint in pittsburgh
Good, but some people here probably never touched a dumbell or bench press.
Wisconsin reporting, no blacks just natives and old people
What's our presence across the states?
@Lord Joe ISO, International Socialist Organization has a large footprint in Rochester NY, but no antifa
Still collecting data
@Opfornia This weekend, we'll have the finalized locations for the March 18 meetups
What sort of meet is it
faggy antifa meet, couldn't really tell you more
probably an orgy lol
Whatever they do besides throwing bricks
I would recomend getting maced once by a friend, and maybe tazed. Just so you know how the pain is. In sweden we are not allowed to have "real" pepper spray. But we have a spray, that is similare to being sprayed with toothpaste in the eyes. I tried that just to get used to it, and it hurts like a bitch. Can't open eyes at all, so i can think pepper spray is a million times worse.
How many people will be in Boston?
For us
Lemme know if minniapolis has anything happening, might be able to find my way out there
eurofags represent
Can't join cause I'm not American. But I want to say this. /pol/ is FULL of paid shills, not even a meme. Watch out for exactly what you say. You are allowed to meet, be protected and defend yourself, but no fucking LARPING. Expect infiltrators. Stay safe have a good un
plenty of antifa fucks keep joining. 8chan has less of an issue with that
We're not larpers
Yeah, we've already banned about 50 people for being antifa/autists
Where is the announcment page so I can post my location?
Expect even hidden cameras and them trying to entrap you into "gas the kikes, race war now" shit.
I like it
@Nasmr From what i have understod, this group is not aimed to create a politcal party or anything. So why would we give two fucks about what libs and shills think of us? The reason why NMR is sweden is growing is because they are completely open with being anti jews and natsoc.
Joe, please addd MA
We accept NatSocs, but we also accept jews.
To clarify.
I am
Well said @kekmeintheswe
As long as you hate gommies, you can join.
I was just setting up the template