Message from @Jeremy

Discord ID: 626749135072264193

2019-09-26 11:15:29 UTC  

In short, none of the intelligentsia would die for their beliefs.

2019-09-26 11:18:01 UTC  

@Jeremy What the fuck you mean "your cop" I dont own his ass mafucka

2019-09-26 11:18:21 UTC  

And I dont give a shit what he is photoshopped in front of

2019-09-26 11:28:22 UTC  

1.Comments on recent UN take (also mention about the EU stance)
2.Views based on different EU countrys(which is also backed up in the EU directive 2011/93 - §9/Article2)
3. Japans recent refuse on the UN take
4. Danish study about the connection between both subjects

2019-09-26 11:32:22 UTC

2019-09-26 11:36:07 UTC  

@Anubis, he wasn't photoshopped to be in front of the Red Square's Cathedral, rather the photo was taken there, while the cop depicted is in fact a Russian national. The article is a phony. Learn to vet your information properly, before consumption and public introduction.

2019-09-26 11:42:50 UTC  

The PRC is just waiting to get their hands on that Western currency to come pouring in for their global monopoly over rare-earths, under the false-pretense of climate crisis, @BrandonChimaria (。◕‿◕。✿), allowing them to further solidify their geostrategic position within this industry. This, after having already stripped away any private incentives for the mining industry to pursue these resources throughout anywhere else in the world, leaving us vulnerable, as we've no sovereign production capacity for a material utilized in nearly all military equipment, a vital threat to national security for all of our countries. Furthermore, up-ticks in western demand for rare-earths would provide them with more currency to pursue FDI, meaning they'd be able to invest that much more back into swallowing up our industries with their state-cartels.

2019-09-26 11:50:26 UTC  

@BrandonChimaria (。◕‿◕。✿) Pedophillia is still gross and shouldn’t be enabled by anything, freedom of expression is great and all, but when it actively indulges in the fantasy of someone who really ought to be getting therapy. One could also argue that pedophillia in anime normalize the behavior subconsciously. While, maybe, drawn child porn might help these people while they are getting therapy, only this alone is only going to make these people rely on this and turn into an addiction, which will lead to depression, which will lead to them becoming more of a hermit than they already likely are, which will lead to more depression.

I could also be dumb b u t

2019-09-26 11:51:51 UTC  

This tweet is old, but it's about fakku.

2019-09-26 11:54:15 UTC  

But even so they have no connections that it reflects real world issues.

But we never see people going after police with giving out child sex dolls to pedo's.
> But OMG loli bad. Ban.

2019-09-26 11:54:30 UTC  

Bruh im not even saying that’s

2019-09-26 11:55:04 UTC  

I’m saying pedophiles should get therapy and indulging their desires only gives them less of a reason to do so

2019-09-26 11:55:21 UTC  

Child sex dolls also fucking do this

2019-09-26 11:56:28 UTC  

I mean from my POV Lolis are like violent video games, they make people worried but don’t actually cause harm

2019-09-26 11:56:34 UTC  

"Ban ban ban" is where conservative mind always goes. Remember that this still goes on:

2019-09-26 11:56:51 UTC  

Lmao Harry Potter

2019-09-26 11:56:54 UTC  

"Don't normalize fantasy!" is their argument.

2019-09-26 11:57:09 UTC  

Harry Potter is fantasy, fantasy and escapism is harmful.

2019-09-26 11:57:15 UTC  

The loli argument is more like trump giving billions to israel.
Nobody ever talks about it.

2019-09-26 11:57:18 UTC  

@British Cigarette, normalization is the predominant theme I see among the anime culture, but equally true, the normalization of seeing young girls, including in drawn form, may narcotize potential pedophiles, in which it nullifies any psychological or physiological response. Further study is needed. As for pedophilia, last I checked, it was illegal, and there have been countless, major busts on digital vendors state-side. Much of the child pornography distribution comes from outside the U.S., particularly the Eastern world, Russia to name one, along with various Asian countries. In terms of hosting, they either go off-shore, utilize Tor and a front-end for public traffic capture, or some combination of dedicated hosting services in Europe.

2019-09-26 11:57:41 UTC  

>Loli Bad.

Twitter is promoting MAPS.

2019-09-26 11:57:45 UTC  

I think real pedophiles aren’t interested in 2D drawings, this is off personal experience however and I don’t want to make the claim I’m correct

2019-09-26 11:57:54 UTC  

However if that study is true then I am

2019-09-26 11:58:05 UTC  

I’ve just been around a lot of loli cons

2019-09-26 11:58:20 UTC  

And they aren’t pedophiles

2019-09-26 11:58:38 UTC  

lmao did you just admit you’re a pedophile

2019-09-26 11:58:44 UTC  

If someone into Lolis and they commit pedophila they were already going down that route

2019-09-26 11:59:40 UTC  

Also @BrandonChimaria (。◕‿◕。✿) maps are fucking bad, I don’t see your point

2019-09-26 12:00:04 UTC  

My point is, people say loli is bad.

But nobody never mentions maps.

2019-09-26 12:00:15 UTC  

Just like Trump giving billions to israel.

2019-09-26 12:00:18 UTC  

Nobody cares.

2019-09-26 12:00:22 UTC  

But when it comes to loli.

2019-09-26 12:00:34 UTC  

The entire internet blows up.

2019-09-26 12:00:36 UTC  

Oh trust me I care

2019-09-26 12:00:37 UTC  

It's still a form of child pornography, merely in a fake form. If you have ever seen the softcore pedophile communities, they share what they refer to as Non-Nudes/NN, then you also have the hardcore, just as you do with Lolicon.

2019-09-26 12:00:40 UTC  

About Israel

2019-09-26 12:00:41 UTC  

We aren’t talking about maps

2019-09-26 12:00:53 UTC  

Were talking about lolicon

2019-09-26 12:01:01 UTC  

The only difference is one is fake, the other isn't.

2019-09-26 12:01:07 UTC  

Maybe that’s true Jeremy, idk I didn’t go into study about it