Message from @Meter Reader Mario

Discord ID: 624018171300544522

2019-09-18 22:58:42 UTC  

Sure, you have modern internationalism, whereby domestic firms sacrifice long-term interests of their society, seduced by slave labor abroad (looking at the PRC/China).

2019-09-18 22:58:48 UTC  

We are screwed big time.

2019-09-18 22:58:59 UTC  

But, that's not the overarching issue; we have a dispute of ideology domestically.

2019-09-18 22:59:10 UTC  

This is why I work medical ya fucks. I help the meme blood flow.

2019-09-18 22:59:16 UTC  


2019-09-18 22:59:36 UTC  

Keeps ours from getting blackpilled, randomly redpills theirs.

2019-09-18 23:01:24 UTC  

And considering what finally got me to ghost boomerbook was a friend of mine I had known since highschool and through a bit of college went full inquisition and got someone fired, I have quite a good reason to keep my head down.

2019-09-18 23:02:28 UTC  

I bought Romanian brandy and I can't even drink it

2019-09-18 23:02:38 UTC  

lol why

2019-09-18 23:02:47 UTC  

It's locked

2019-09-18 23:02:50 UTC  

Fair enough, @Eirshy.

2019-09-18 23:03:06 UTC  

Do what you need to do to ensure you're able to preserve your family and such.

2019-09-18 23:03:13 UTC

2019-09-18 23:04:15 UTC  

Curse you, Romania. I'm never going back to you

2019-09-18 23:04:30 UTC  

Cut the lock.

2019-09-18 23:04:52 UTC  

It is a very pretty bottle

2019-09-18 23:05:06 UTC  

You could also use a metal rod, bending it in an L at the end, which would allow you to pick the mechanism.

2019-09-18 23:05:09 UTC  

.... did it not come with a key?

2019-09-18 23:05:19 UTC  

Also yeah that doesn't look like an overly strong lock

2019-09-18 23:05:19 UTC  

It did

2019-09-18 23:05:25 UTC  

The key is missing

2019-09-18 23:05:27 UTC  

Could probably do it with a paperclip lol

2019-09-18 23:05:34 UTC  


2019-09-18 23:05:44 UTC  

'cause it's probably more of a latch than an actual "keyed" thing.

2019-09-18 23:05:53 UTC  


2019-09-18 23:06:48 UTC  


2019-09-18 23:07:07 UTC  

Also I read what you @ me to earlier @Jeremy but tbh I’m having a hard time understanding. Basically you’re saying that this isn’t a “negative space” (which I kinda understand wym) and that fighting will never stop so it shouldn’t be a goal to beat everyone?

2019-09-18 23:07:09 UTC  

I just wanted to complain about it

2019-09-18 23:11:12 UTC  

Negative space? No, I'm saying competing interests, arising from individuals pursuing their own self-interest, isn't something you want to eliminate, but rather constrain within a framework of law. An example of preserving the ability to compete, let's say in a market, would be anti-trust laws to either break up a monopoly within a market or fine a group of firms colluding with one another to regulate an industry with entry-barriers and so forth, as a means of eliminating competition and maximize profits. Murder is also a given, you confine this within law.

2019-09-18 23:12:03 UTC

2019-09-18 23:12:18 UTC  

Negative presence I’m sorry

2019-09-18 23:12:30 UTC  


2019-09-18 23:13:28 UTC  

Anyway what did I saw that made you say that? I just want to know the context

2019-09-18 23:13:43 UTC  

It's beneficial to markets, say when you have multiple firms competing to offer a higher quality product at a lower cost. As goes the same for competitive labor markets; laborers competing for higher wages by becoming more productive. I'm merely using this as an example of individuals pursuing self-interest.

2019-09-18 23:14:07 UTC  

You see, there's a fundamental misunderstanding by insinuating we can ever live in peace.

2019-09-18 23:15:22 UTC  

And any attempts at forcing it, eliminating the ability of peoples to pursue self-interest, is futile, ending with what we've observed time and again by ideologues believing they can.

2019-09-18 23:16:03 UTC  

To force people in harmony would require you to force each to forgo what is of interest to themselves.

2019-09-18 23:16:05 UTC  

I think there is also collective interest involved though too

2019-09-18 23:16:14 UTC  

Not in the commie way

2019-09-18 23:16:27 UTC  

But Nation vs Nation

2019-09-18 23:16:42 UTC  

And you should get them to work together