Message from @EndangeredProdigy
Discord ID: 599381860954537995
No penis tree, sorry.
If penis is not allowed here y did u not ban archaic when he joined
<:slurpgon:583424900732157956> roigh'
point being 😛
uh prevalence of nature and its codevelopment with technology??
y <:why:462286147473637407>
have you not herd of the great snail invasion of 1137
It's why the French eat snails today
Anybody here good with cyber security
June 4 – A fire destroys much of the city of York, including 39 churches and the York Minster cathedral. The event comes a day after a fire burns the cathedral in Rochester, Kent. Both fires are memorialized 600 years later by historian Paul de Rapin.[3]
June 27 – The city of Bath, Somerset, is burned.[3]
Need help on a college assignment
good year for england
yeah man the snails did it
the bastards
@EndangeredProdigy tf you mean penetration testing? this is cyber security
Penetration testing is cyber security
penetration is second door to the left down that corridor
sooo......if thats what its called, what is it
breaching security for data on security?
Yeah it's testing for vulnerabilities on machines
so what is the assignment
what is it *ur doin*
`testing for vulnerabilities` too vague
I have to exploit a web server and get the credentials on it as well as defacing the site hosted on the server
Cybersecurity is vague lol
very easy
I highly suggest not doing your assignment on a network connected to the internet.
become fat
wear a polo