Message from @svarozhyc
Discord ID: 599394841859719171
my heart hurts at the very thought of running for an hour
Hurts like hell
yeah go to ER
or summet
@svarozhyc joggin not runnin
Ill pull this fucker out on my own
so gay running then
Yes gay running
It's efficient running to conserve energy
what a word 😂
so you can go farther and be more like
daym i got farther this time
Pretty sure ive covered around 10km
nono i get it
im too fucked up in the head to do that lol 😛
just have to keep one guy up
so he can revive the next guy before he goes down
whats up with area 51
and you'll never fail the mission
You think they’ll actually find some ayy lmao’s?
Assuming they get past the mine field
I think theyll get arrested
and microwave cannon
oh i hope the fuckers bring cameras
microwave cannono
dakka dakka fuckers
y tho
theie only hope
i mean do ppl really have an issue with it or is it a meming a meme