Message from @Diffused Solvent
Discord ID: 600596836738400256
more like randomly killing people
putting signs that theyre supposedly linked to drug use
and suppressing any investigations
from the outside it would *seem* that hes doing something but thats far from the case
whats worse is his associates are somehow dealing in drugs themselves
>customs sieze a 3 billion dollar shipment of drugs from china
>makes a show about reforming customs
>customs personnel somehow get promoted into his cabinet
>the siezed drugs are nowhere to be found
>wont bring up the issue with his chinese mastes
sounds likes everything going tits up
he made a big show in his campaign about fighting china and asserting sovereignty and now hes tucked his tail and cowering. a chinese boat sank a fishing boat smack dab inside ph territory and left the fishermen to basically die out in the sea
and he insists the people calling for him to take action is some kind of 24/7 gay op by the CIA and his detractors to make him look weak
we will (m)eat you in the next life
hey that girl that got killed , dont you reckon she looks like the stranger things eleven girl?
fo shizzle
the instagram murder?
instagram murder 😂
the discord decapitator
fucking pieces of shit can kill a weak girl but can't even kill themselves
this world is weak as fuck piss weak sauce
thats what happens when you bend every dumfuck with existential fear
This is a bit
dude gonna get kerb stomped
that would be merciful
maybe she wanted it this way though
kids these days ya know
hi everyone anyway
<:tiptip:462282246695419934> <:npc:502497359419408384>
oh just say hi to everyone and NOT ME WELL FUCK YOU TOO
awww fuck you as welllll ❤ @Diffused Solvent
wholly fucjk leave me al,one
impregnate his soul
> infertile
> female
> impregnate his soul