Message from @Polekov
Discord ID: 600785995935514644
Last Florida woman i met had a porn site... no thanks
Remember kids
If it's a trap
It's dick belogs in a cage
if it's a trap, don't fap.
It’s also superior to women
Remember kids, if its a trap. castrate
i like mine better. it rhymes.
Depends on the woman
traps are ubergay
yo who's that guy who was a christian programmer
that ran infront of a train
It’s better than women always
a bit broad
who slowly lost his mind
so why's everyone so up in arms about amazon this time?
and called black people cia niggers
he programmed OSTemple
ah, can't rem the name
Terry Davis
They probably whipped their slaves a little too hard
Temple OS
No one is
that is his name
OS Temple was crazy fuck
But guess what
Amazon employees going on strike
For prime day
Prime day is today through tomorrow
Optimus will RISE