Message from @Muten
Discord ID: 601627538208456726
Playing video games is cringe
Oh god boomer talk
@UnScottable And my own were circled once the classic trap was thwarted .. or RL caught his attention. *shrugs*
yea... it also didnt help that hes never seen idubbbbz
caling malcolm x a niggerfaggot really set him off lol
exactly as intended MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Erm.. help? .. wtf is idubbbbz?
Ur mum
you stupid nigger
_is unsure if trolling or not_
Idubbbz is a fucking god
I honestly don't know.
you dumb fucking nigger
ok ima link you
>n word
jesus muten my god, quit being a mutnig
Well, rather than mocking me relentlessly, enlighten me?
Look it up fag
Fucking use the search engine
you cuck
i has mercy for the workers.. UNLIKE THESE CAPITALISTS
fuck off you beta numale
Curteousy would be "oh, shit, you don't know!? Fuck, let me fix that."
HAHAHA hook line and sinker
Anyhow, thanks. @UnScottable
@UnScottable can you not type like you are mentally retarded?
welcome to the internet bud, this is def going in my cringe collection
Being anprim is actually the smartest thing to do
Damn muten u mad.
I just
Stop being mad
_camera flash and snap_
I have enough trouble with native english speakers