Message from @n meowzers

Discord ID: 603414941776740363

2019-07-24 02:32:58 UTC  

when a corporation is proven to clearly affect the vast majority of a population and they knowingly use that influence for their own political gains

2019-07-24 02:33:01 UTC  

we're in danger of the wheels of government turning so slowly that google/fb/etc have so rapidly gained the power to manipulate the vote in their favour that they will never risk being regulated

2019-07-24 02:33:24 UTC  

gov has ALWAYS been this slow

2019-07-24 02:33:28 UTC  

slow is a GOOD thing

2019-07-24 02:33:46 UTC  

If it was fast it'd be communist in 2012

2019-07-24 02:33:47 UTC  

second the govt should force them to designate between platform and publisher in that if they wish to curtail speech they must be a publisher and be liable for all content on their sites

2019-07-24 02:33:48 UTC  

it allows people to explore the issue rather than having to break the law to do so

2019-07-24 02:33:55 UTC  

yes, but corporations have NEVER had this much power to manipulate the popoulace before. and they're doing it faster than the government can regulate it

2019-07-24 02:33:56 UTC  

The free market would be fine if people stopped fucking with it.
The social media situation is a short term problem. Google is being a dick *now* and that pisses us all off. I get it.
Eventually a competitor will arise to replace YouTube and everything will be fine. If we use the government to interfere, it reinforces YouTube’s position as a market leader. Then we’re *stuck* with YouTube, and no matter how much regulation we put on YouTube, they don’t *want* to be fair. So they never will be.
All you’ll do is turn a short term problem into a long term problem.

2019-07-24 02:34:03 UTC  

Imagine if it only took a day for a law to pass.

2019-07-24 02:34:10 UTC  

i agree with scale

2019-07-24 02:34:16 UTC  

We don't know what they are up too

2019-07-24 02:34:20 UTC  

facebook and google are the lesser evil

2019-07-24 02:34:28 UTC  

eventually the m arket will displace them

2019-07-24 02:34:35 UTC  

you just have to be patient

2019-07-24 02:34:47 UTC  

Without investigating Google who knows what they have been doing to "never let another trump happen ever again"

2019-07-24 02:34:48 UTC  

encouraging gov to do it ALWYAS ends badly

2019-07-24 02:35:02 UTC  

it could be decades for a competitor for youtube to arise. where would it come from? I think you underestimate the decades of development that have gone into youtube, the billions in physical infrastructure, the millions of man hours of coding

2019-07-24 02:35:13 UTC  

yes, decades. so?

2019-07-24 02:35:16 UTC  

Scale there are instances when the govt is needed, I am completely on board with much of govt being unnecessary and bloated but if the govt is shelling out money to these corps that are then violating rights at the very least you will agree the govt should stop funding

2019-07-24 02:35:33 UTC  

High school student Murichi Rinasuki is getting into trouble in school, so his parents send him to a boarding school in Shinjuku. As he thought, there's a strict schedule, abusive teachers, and difficult classes. However, there's one thing he didn't expect . . . his classmates are all cute girls! Murichi falls for a particularly beautiful girl, Seryuo, but things at the school start to go awry when a rival school kidnaps Seryuo! Murichi has to save her in a series of dangerous challenges along with his lovely classmates.

2019-07-24 02:35:41 UTC  

it's like AT&T, they had such a stranglehold that a competitor was never going to arise. it could take generations

2019-07-24 02:36:12 UTC  

it's like i commented today to TIm Pool. people bitch about social media and automation replacing jobs while at the same time, they GIVE shit away for free rather than charging for it

2019-07-24 02:36:19 UTC  

that souns more average]

2019-07-24 02:36:19 UTC  

a receipt is like a contract

2019-07-24 02:36:26 UTC  

but for a true parody to shine

2019-07-24 02:36:32 UTC  

it has to have a twist

2019-07-24 02:36:35 UTC  

if you paid for an account you'd be covered under UCC

2019-07-24 02:36:37 UTC  

Automation isn't here yet and it annoys me when people talk about it

2019-07-24 02:36:38 UTC  

but u don't

2019-07-24 02:36:39 UTC  

they give shit away for free but the price is democracy

2019-07-24 02:36:43 UTC  

they give it for FREE

2019-07-24 02:36:51 UTC  

one punch man is a parody of the shounen genre

2019-07-24 02:36:52 UTC  

there's never a free lunch

2019-07-24 02:36:56 UTC  

and so does everyone that makes a MEME

2019-07-24 02:37:01 UTC  

his twist is that if he punches anything the fight is over

2019-07-24 02:37:13 UTC  

you give away the product of your labor for free

2019-07-24 02:37:18 UTC  

then bitch you are poor

2019-07-24 02:37:19 UTC  

ghost stories is a horror / adventure anime

2019-07-24 02:37:29 UTC  

its secret twist is that its a slapstick comedy written by americans

2019-07-24 02:37:34 UTC  

memesmiths get notoriety in return