Message from @DoctorPiss
Discord ID: 277724738204336129
I can respect that, I actually know a few antifa faggots I might could convince to give me intel
Not if you're not a literal retard
A patch?
We will mobilize when ready.
I was going to cut them off for being commie scum
Virgil, sorry, they're good about that
It is dangerous tho Virgil, keep that in mind
you can't just throw on a ski mask and blend in with black bloc
unless it is 200% chaos time
and at that point, the last thing you want to do is be mistaken for black bloc
Everything else you said was good bro
Yes, I want a patch for personal reasons. Please listen to @Rush he has a great point about public identification with military style clothing
sure you can dude
^ can confirm
You guys are forgetting that you have something Antifa doesn't, *critical thinking*. Use it as well as your weaponized autism to the advantage.
I like Virgil
I live in DC those antifaggots want as many bitches looking like them around as possible, mostly to blend in and vanish, but you can use that tactic back at them
I respect you but read the oathkeepers link
This dude knows what's up
It's important not to underestimate them
weaponized autism nice
They DO have dedicated, hardcore, disciplined, intelligent, dangerous motherfuckers
Yes, the majority are jokes.
Maybe @DoctorPiss is right, that shit is dangerous and shouldn't be done if you don't know what you're doing. My mistake. But you have to agree that uniforms are a bad idea all around.
and those are the people you target
I think people should wear casual clothes
They absolutley must
The way to ID people is simple- you go to a protest with people you already know and trust
Still putting together a list of shit
get close to them in the crowd, spew some bullshit about being commie scm and give them fake names, see if you can get theirs
Absolutely, causal clothing because **you represent the common American**
You could arrange that people wear khaki pants or something
no need for $400 5.11 pants
How on earth do you imagine that working atlas