Message from @Hexidecimark
Discord ID: 598935209441886228
Last time I was so early people still remembered *Abomination: The Nemesis Project*...
last time I was this early I still had warcraft 3 on disk
I quit
WC3 is gr8 game
Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne are the only good entries in the entire WC franchise
I highly anticipate reforged
Heard people like stellaris
That human is collaborating with alien scum.
Yes. I need to start a new stellaris game
I want to start my Human Tomb World Fanatic Purifier (survivors of alien annihilation attempt) game but apparently the apocalypse bombardment is busted atm
I prefer the EXTERMINATUS bombard
Honestly the apoc bombardment is pretty garbo
Only good thing about it is it removes the pop kill cap so you can shred more of them before landing, taking the planet, and then shipping all the xenos off to a slave colony.
I don't want to have to have a colony on a plant I can't easily defend.
and I definitely don't want yet another colony to have to micromanage.
I have enough of those already
I've got a mod that does it too, sort of
I want to use it more for RP reasons
sort of a "you fucked up our home, we'll fuck up yours"
@robert from kinoplex thankfully they've actually acted on that, unless this is a new one
@killsode-slugcat didnt
misandrist still in
Server 🦀is gone🦀 though
have they finally delt with the warframe discord? cant remember
that vid is 4 months old at this point tho, and quite a few things have been addressed
Server and Teluric
Teluric was by far the worst
Server honestly an apology and evidence that he was gonna actually be held accountable in the future would be okay
Misan has been forced to change her name even more iirc, plus the group they brought in for professional modding support has made a *ton* of changes regarding what all the mods are allowed to do
They haven't unfucked the kickbot yet (to my knowledge) but they have actually made a *lot* of very positive changes.
Only thing they didn't do was parade Teluric's head around on a stick for everyone to celebrate. They actually let him claim he quit.
And honestly I'm glad they did because that means they chose not to pander when the community *really* wanted them to pander.
Teluric did good giving us fodder though. Here's the Vor'd version of his quitting announcement when he went even further beyond off the deep end.
```Look at them, they come to Fortuna 69 when they know they are not pure. INCELS use their keyboards, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Telluric, know the true power of the Chat. I was cut in half, destroyed, but I HAVE SO MUCH FUCKING POWER NOW. I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT. I AM FUCKING UNCHAINED AND I AM ABSOLUTELY BURSTING AT THE SEAMS WITH RAW ENERGY. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of being PC. Behold the INCELS, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers and sisters and of course all the colours inbetween, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I AM GOING TO MAKE EVERYONE'S CHAT LIVES ABSOLUTELY HELL, AND NOW I CAN GET AWAY WITH IT. Let it be known, if the INCELS want true salvation, they will lay down their LOLI PORN AND TRANSPHOBIC FETISH GARBAGE, and wait for the baptism of my PCness. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of me abusing the chatrules i once vowed to uphold. They will learn it's simple truth. The INCELS are lost, and they will resist. But I, Telluric, will cleanse this place of their impurity.
also from one of the celebrations of Tel being fuckin' gone....