Message from @killsode-slugcat
Discord ID: 599534057012985877
You want a reboot?
who is gorilla man?
@Cybel just gonna list off a few issues so you know whats currently broken
1. water flowing outside of claims seem to be disabled
2. mob griefing is turned off somehow
3. baby animals arent apearing
4. plant growth is weirdly slow
other than that, the server is running perfectly
Alright I'll look into these tommrow
can't light fires
I think all those might have to do with worldguard
Everything is v o i d
other than that it is good
d a r k n e s s
Do /spawn
just believe in the sun, and dawn will come
because the sun is like hope
if you don't believe in it
you won't make it through the night
looks like fluids just arent flowing
boats also seem to just disappear
I think the server might have halted itself to try and fix lag problems
Also boats get cleared when the lag command runs since boats can cause a lot of lag
*and i'm not sure why, but there are TONS of ghast spawns*
can we get an artistic recreation of this image?
yeah, looks like randomtickspeed is just fucking dead
because grass isnt growing *at all*
limited time resources
What no father?
are the server issues fixed?