Message from @Laucivol

Discord ID: 608049706534305803

2019-08-05 20:26:04 UTC  

Big Thunk

2019-08-05 20:46:58 UTC  

TX shooter allegedly left behind a manifesto. OH shooter did not as far as we know but his social media profile shows long history of sharing support for antifa accounts, causes & individuals. He recently called Tacoma ICE firebomber a "martyr" & RT mockery of me getting beaten.
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OH shooter apparently had an intense hatred of ICE/general law enforcement consistent with #antifa. He shared a link that purported to have the names & locations of ICE agents. He also RT those who adopted AOC's "concentration camp" line, similar to how the ICE firebomber did.
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I'm choosing to not name the Ohio shooter or link to his account but some news sites are covering his alleged support for antifa & other militant far-left causes. His post history (w/photos) is extensive & you can find them yourself.
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A sick irony in all this is while many leftists libelously blamed me yesterday for the Texas mass killing, the Ohio killer's profile shows he retweeted in support of those same individuals just recently. You know who you are.
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2019-08-05 21:19:44 UTC  

I'm starting to question the integrity of the situation...
Hoping he hasn't so far sold out.
Plus, attacking the situation based on public knowledge.

Hard thonks, and also please blame an open-forum that was compromised months in the making.
And 4chan seems to be next, and as alot of other's are suspecting.
You are attacking the wrong fucking people.
Antifa... Dems... Media... Communism...
Fucking Dew et~!

Donald Trump Condemns White Supremacy, Promises Action in Response to Weekend’s Mass Shootings

2019-08-05 21:21:14 UTC  

what part of 'Trump was never anti-establishment' is still unclear?

2019-08-05 21:25:31 UTC  

His and other mainstream peoples' ideas for ending mass shootings will never work because none of them will look the issue in the face. At its core, humanity is tribal and when one puts multiple groups, whether they're race-based, ethnicity-based, etc. groups in conflict for wealth and resources with each other, they will react accordingly.

2019-08-05 21:25:38 UTC  

The public simply cannot be taken seriously on anything anymore. I see people buzzing around on social media autistically screeching but i know within a week some other bullshit will trend and no one will really care

2019-08-05 21:26:06 UTC  

and tbh, i dont care

2019-08-05 21:26:21 UTC  

20 people die in a place ive never been to, and 17 people die in another place ive never been to

2019-08-05 21:26:39 UTC  

meanwhile as many people have probably died in my area

2019-08-05 21:28:14 UTC  

Whereas these are places I have been to. It's *all* all sortsa messed up. Alas, though, you are correct in that assessment by my estimate- the public is not one to be trusted when talking of emotionally driven replies.

2019-08-05 21:28:42 UTC  

>White Men Feel Isolated
>Isolation leads to Hopelessness
>Hopelessness can, in some cases, lead to horrible outcomes

So, the Solution is to Isolate them further, Establishment?

2019-08-05 21:28:49 UTC  

We are not hardwired to express the kind of "mama bear" empathy and emotion im seeing on social media over complete strangers, we evolved to rly only have the bandwith for a certain number of relations

2019-08-05 21:29:25 UTC  

reza aslan foaming at the mouth is the kind of reaction youd expect from an immiment attack on kin

2019-08-05 21:29:29 UTC  

Man, everything is just so played atm, I keep trying to think where to begin, because it's so well planned out.

2019-08-05 21:29:42 UTC  

So strategic.

2019-08-05 21:29:45 UTC  

Yes, as we all know white men are not allowed to react to the takeover of the nations and institutions they built with anything other than happy complacency

2019-08-05 21:29:59 UTC  

That's the spirit

2019-08-05 21:32:19 UTC  

You know, back after Elliot Roger happened, I made snyde remarks that government agencies were going to knock on my door and say something along the lines of "excuse me sir, we couldn't help but notice this is the 100th weekend in a row you've spent alone. We're going to need you to answer some questions"

2019-08-05 21:32:27 UTC  

I dunno if looking for conspiracy is the proper reaction.

2019-08-05 21:32:41 UTC  

and actually genuinely provide me a mandatory V-card

2019-08-05 21:32:57 UTC  

I'm starting to think that's not going to be an amusing fiction for much longer

2019-08-05 21:33:05 UTC  

We shall see.

2019-08-05 21:33:23 UTC  

The sex bots will be here just in time.

2019-08-05 21:33:47 UTC  

maybe in Europe, but not here

2019-08-05 21:33:49 UTC  

the most useful thing to be gained from all of this is to gauge the impact of the reaction in the mainstream media and social media, AND time how long it takes for people to let this issue go

2019-08-05 21:34:31 UTC  

NFL preseason football starts this weekend, im betting this leaves most of social media by the weekend

2019-08-05 21:35:27 UTC  

the typical npc will be retweeting some petition about gun control on thursday, and blathering about their fantasy team the next morning

2019-08-05 21:35:34 UTC  

Good thing we have football to distract the masses or God forbid they might do something constructive like vote.

2019-08-05 21:35:55 UTC  

Bread and circuses

2019-08-05 21:36:44 UTC  

I hear Mexico is going to sue over El Paso, to which I say Mexico should get back in their lane unless they want lose another war.

2019-08-05 21:37:06 UTC  

social media anger does not translate into power, but many people tweet like they think it does. It only translates to power if it results in the enforcement of something new or different

2019-08-05 21:37:37 UTC  

Thanks to the breitbart article, and trumps latest speech, I really do think what is coming up soon...

2019-08-05 21:37:42 UTC  

and on the gun question, the social media anger has been nearly totally impotent

2019-08-05 21:37:49 UTC  

It's not going to end pretty.

2019-08-05 21:38:15 UTC  

Now trump is supporting the leftist strawman points.

2019-08-05 21:38:34 UTC  

Now making bothsides fail.

2019-08-05 21:38:45 UTC  

Just look at it long term with the effects.

2019-08-05 21:41:16 UTC  

which is predictable honestly, Trump is a lost cause

2019-08-05 21:41:36 UTC  

i dont think he ever wasnt a lost cause tbh, i always saw him as a molotov thrown at the system