Message from @Wizard_of_The_West
Discord ID: 610988072439382060
Even if people had blackmailed Epstein that's still not a reason for him to kill himself.
Do you think that's selfish fucking Jewish cunt would protect anybody else with his own life that's absurd?
Epstein was a complete narcissist and sociopath, these people generally do not kill themselves even if they are prisoners
this man wanted his brain and penis frozen, was into transhumanism, wanted to seed surrogates with his DNA
people have killed themselves to protect others before, I'm not saying it's for sure. Just spit balling.
I wouldn't rule it out
It just could've been a hit from the inside. He got away once and they just took it upon themselves to make sure he doesn't get away again.
Not Epstein that man is the most selfish person right up there with the clintons there's no way that he killed himself.
Selfish people commit suicide quite often.
I'd argue suicide is selfish, in general.
If you are a prisoner who is fucked legally, it would be your DREAM SCENARIO to have the bargaining chips that EPSTEIN had
I don't think Epstein was at the end of his rope just yet.
And to be a man that committed the crimes that he did throughout his life if I were him I would be terrified to die. What if there is a big spaghetti monster in the sky that wants to eat him for his sins..
As far as prison bargains go, Epstein had the best hand
he could have traded all of his info for country club prison
Like i said, you find yourself facing life in jail, people get desperate. Add that to people who want him dead and pay people to look the other way. It's possible.
when you can take down president and prime ministers you can get what you want
That must be a satire account, a saw another one that included standing and clapping
Not to mention, convincing someone to off themselves is probably the perfect murder.
I'm not buying it dude I don't know why you're playing devil's advocate here because a man like Epstein had already gotten off on charges that should have landed him in prison for the rest of his life yet he was let go with only serving 13 months out of an 18 months sentence.
why should he expect to actually have to spend any real amount of time in prison again?
people like Epstein have dirt on everyone judges lawyers prosecutors police officers politicians that's a free pass to do whatever the fuck you want.
you're still not convinced to me even in the slightest that he killed himself.
They may have been used up.
I can see the suicide side, especially since the entire public has been whipped up into thinking it's definitely not a suicide
"I'll take 'Shit That Never Happened' for $1000, Alex."
What can he do if there's a ton of evidence?
He can make a phone call and get a mistrial
Like, maybe in the 80's you could grease some palms, but it's not so easy in current year.
Barr did visit the facility days before
There was a ton of evidence in the previous case in 2007
But he got off with 13 months out of an 18-month sentence
Could have spooked him
You would have gone to jail for 30 years buddy
Trump has been pressing death penalty
Not glamorous
Getting away with a crime once is one thing... but twice?
With all the attention he was getting
Epstein was an intellgience asset
Look at Casey Anthony
normal rules dont apply
Everyone knew she was fucking guilty and she walked