Message from @n0ne0ther
Discord ID: 610992620562284545
lol what
Madoff fucked everyone so hard, i'm surprised he's not dead.
Is it so hard for you to hear a different opinion?
Sorry I just have no patience for fucking retards today so if you're acting retarded and you're not actually retarded sorry...
Stop being an asshole then.
I have a hard time when I'm faced with retards almost every moment of every day
Oh, you smell shit everywhere you go?
Wow, cool.
Check your boots
You're acting exactly like the person I thought you are....
Seriously though, relax.
I can't fucking stand it when people tell me to relax you have no idea what the state of my mind is Buddy.
Maybe becasue you need to relax.
And see what you're doing right now is actually trying to incite me... Your character is bleeding through
I've never spoken to you before and the first impression I get is an arrogant asshole.
First impression I get a view is retarded cucklord
lol ok
You're delusional.
And you're retarded speaking from ignorance like retards usually do
Anyone think he killed himself?
i think its 50/50 honestly
If he killed himself and why did the cameras mysteriously Miss function
It's sketchy though.
but a coerced suicide
If he told himself they would want to release that video of him actually hanging himself
i do not believe he killed himself because he was miserable being in prison
Then where's the video
Good point.
Oh wait mysterious malfunction
Right at the same time that he killed himself
I don't know what 2 + 2 is but this doesn't add up
Madoff was in the same one
Where's the video?
Didn't they say they were doing a firmware update on the security system? lol