Message from @HunDread
Discord ID: 600039214322810888
and since this has been going on for weeks i think anything that was cought under the eyelash would have either been washed out or caused an infection
that would be pretty bad
Then I don’t know
Again recommend a doctor
il try if i can find a doctor that is halfway decent at his job in the area
curious how despite being forced to be top grade, there are still loose ends on some of em
How much of milk, cheese or any other milk products you drink/eat?
get your **mInErAlS**
More like calcium. And iron.
Or just vitamins.
ayyy ron deficiency would lead to more issues than an eye twitch
Also, the age could play a role here.
calcium deficiency should generally lead to osteomalacy or however the fuck it's spelled in engrish
vitamins are great in digestion and general processing - enzimes of life and all that
You're thinking about *serious* deficit.
he'd have to have a very specific condition to get the spasms like that
Again, being not so young anymore could play a role.
nowadays age is only a factor and not a cause for many a disease
brittle bones, brain damage, muscle damage; those things come from specific issues unrelated to biological yeeting
well i have hit me head very badly on the top of a explosion doorframe which ended up in a lot of blood loss through the nose (hospital levels of blood loss) but that was at least a year ago
i eat very healthy and dont overdoo on anything realy
Yes, but several factor that alone are nothing *could* produce it.
but shurely the effects would have come emediatly wouldnt they?
trauma can be so and so
you'll have to go for a check-up
to confirm or deny anything
Not necessarily. My dad started having migraines only after a year he hurt his head (got hit by a car).
well i had migrane as a kid but that stopped when i was 11
still the impact wasnt that bad and the bloodloss was more then anything surprising.
Fake & gay.
actually not fake
you have my attention
Well, what can I say. I was in a similar situation (sudden muscular spasms and can't afford a good doctor), and I just changed my food habits for a time (more seafood and all) and after some time it just gone.
Honk, honk.