Message from @Edelgard von Hresvelg
Discord ID: 600044465901797396
Blood for the Blood God
Skulls for the skull throne.
start enforcing the law
Let the galaxy burn!
i mean goodwood, they are urban terrorists.
We should treat them as such
Yes, they are. I encourage you to look at what happened in 1920s Germany.
And I agree, we need to come down hard on these assholes.
fucking eehh
The issue with my city is that our mayor openly supports Antifa
You live in Portland?
To my great dishonor
Oof. I hope you've got protection.
a mayor that supports terrorizing the public
I've had a few scraps already
Nothing a good knife didnt solve
And by protection, I mean a yeet cannon or some other gun.
Get yourself the most american thing ever, a minigun
Ammo is a bit expensive.
riddle them with that good ol freedom and liberty.
Yeah i know dank, if only eehh?
Minigun? At that point i'm mounting it on the house
a minigun powered by nanomachines and capitalism
not enough but it'll do
@HunDread besure everytime if fires it plays the most american sound ever too
A defensive turret atop your house. That'd be awesome.
like music
Hell yeah that would be awesome
England won the cricket
Such a stupidly close game
By one run after a 241 241 tie