Message from @Edelgard von Hresvelg
Discord ID: 600042756034789388
Fake & gay.
actually not fake
you have my attention
Well, what can I say. I was in a similar situation (sudden muscular spasms and can't afford a good doctor), and I just changed my food habits for a time (more seafood and all) and after some time it just gone.
Honk, honk.
yea id do that but i am already on a very healthy diet. not excluding anything but mainly focused on fruits, vegetables, and meat. (i am also cooking myself)
just had another spasm (just reporting it so you can see the frequency)
is there a way to reduce the frequncy of the spasms or a way to at least lower the intensity?
doc might recommend an EEG besides other shit
You can become a human vibrator
well my eye can be a vibrator since the rest of the body works as should
Antifag got shot for being a dumbass
Yeah, I heard about that.
Praise ICE
fuck man
He'd been given a sweetheart plea deal last year, after assaulting a cop.
The dude was 69.
anti-antifa xD
Antiflagellas deserve to eat yuge batons for spreading suffering
Jack Poisebic has a $1k bounty out for the guy's manifesto.
antifa=literal fascist
Antifa are more communist than fascist.
They act more like brownshirts though
one is not excluding the other
Seriously, why haven't we bring back commie scalping
This but unironically
Sign me up for Radical Centrist Death Squads
@Goodwood of Dank™ no, they are pure fascism, like the brownshits nazis or the blackshirts of Italy
My city needs a purging
Yes, that's how they act, but you have to realize the Communists in Weimar Germany acted similarly as well.
Communist or fascist, they are two sides of the same coin, and act out along similar lines.
pretty much my dude