Message from @Flavius Stilicho
Discord ID: 600110638693613588
what the hell is even that
@Edelgard von Hresvelg literally immediately east of Portland it gets better, and the better it gets the more shrubland you see
@Edelgard von Hresvelg don't forget, you are also in the state of Bundy
Sargon is streaming on the terrorist
The Swiss guard carries a bit more than just a pike nowadays
getting ran through by a pike will still suck
@Flavius Stilicho the difference is pikes can be beat with numbers. But bullets have no such limits
I'm pretty sure a squad of any professional military will stop a 1,000 autist
Depends on how much ammo they have, and how much warning.
what about 10000 autist
untrained barely prepared never seen combat out of shape
you just need pumped up kicks to run faster than their bullets
10000 is a big number, and it's not like dead men will just disappear like what happens in a video game
it would be funny to watch a bunch of randos forlorn charge formation of mixed pikes and modern guns
i mean they run out of shooty shoots and will have to use the stabby stabs
and then we send in the fat guys
the stabby stabs will get stuck on the bodyfat
Swiss became famous after they destroy an army of kinghts that outnumbered them
autism > chivalry
if all goes wrong we call the roof koreans
considering they are the popes guards they are probably religious fanatics
throw pork at them or smth
no wait wrong middle eastern retardation
The Vatican archives have been open for a while. you just need permission, because of how old many of the things are and you need training in how to handle works from history
hawaii right
that was above hawaii in the 60s
it apparently knocked out the power and that's when they realized the emp capabilities
didn't know there was a picture