Message from @Diffused Solvent

Discord ID: 604469675073470484

2019-07-27 00:23:42 UTC  

next you're goign to tell me tahidi is a jew

2019-07-27 00:23:45 UTC  

and everyone is a jew

2019-07-27 00:24:09 UTC  

Remember when the media ate up *Saudi condemnation of Qatar supplying terrorist oraginzations*?

2019-07-27 00:24:23 UTC  

it was like watching children cheer at professional wrestling

2019-07-27 00:24:26 UTC  

i think you drink too much of the kremlin koolaid

2019-07-27 00:24:31 UTC  

but that's ok

2019-07-27 00:24:33 UTC  


2019-07-27 00:24:54 UTC  

captain america : civil war

2019-07-27 00:24:56 UTC  

fuck your qatari plant

2019-07-27 00:25:05 UTC  

and fuck all socialists

2019-07-27 00:25:07 UTC  

into the ground

2019-07-27 00:25:39 UTC  

okay so its just shark jumping hour again, okay, see ya later

2019-07-27 00:25:41 UTC  

hydra infilitrated all levels of govt.

2019-07-27 00:25:58 UTC  

thats right mr Qatari Defense Force

2019-07-27 00:26:01 UTC  

you better run

2019-07-27 00:26:24 UTC  

you must not have been around when I used the word sandnigger

2019-07-27 00:26:24 UTC  

to fights monsters ... we built monsters of our own

2019-07-27 00:26:26 UTC  

you black and white types are all the same

2019-07-27 00:26:33 UTC  

`it's either me or the jews`

2019-07-27 00:26:41 UTC  

the trimp program was born

2019-07-27 00:27:00 UTC  

the neural load was too much for one pilot

2019-07-27 00:27:08 UTC  

a two pilot system was implemented

2019-07-27 00:27:18 UTC  

left hemisphere and right hemisphere

2019-07-27 00:27:20 UTC  

okay, no, seriously can we please use this for something

2019-07-27 00:27:26 UTC  

trimp and trump

2019-07-27 00:27:26 UTC  

its too perfect

2019-07-27 00:27:36 UTC  

Joker I get you’re trying to play devils advocate here but you can’t deny how good of a situation the right is in @Jokerfaic

2019-07-27 00:27:43 UTC  

Turmp and his mini-me, Trimp

2019-07-27 00:28:17 UTC  

no, I'm pointing out you're being bombastically fucking hyperbolic

2019-07-27 00:28:34 UTC  

devils advocate is a saying you tard

2019-07-27 00:33:03 UTC  

yes I know, and that's not what I'm doing

2019-07-27 00:33:37 UTC  

I don't like Omar either, but y'all cunts throwing around "terrorist" as if its just a given is obnoxious

2019-07-27 00:33:40 UTC  

Holy fuck.

2019-07-27 00:34:23 UTC  

are you seriously defending this Qatari plant that called 9/11 something happened?

2019-07-27 00:34:26 UTC  


2019-07-27 00:34:29 UTC  

you are free to do so

2019-07-27 00:34:31 UTC  


2019-07-27 00:34:34 UTC  

good luck with that

2019-07-27 00:34:43 UTC  

I'm not defending shit, I'm saying you're a hyperbolic retard