Message from @Skogarbjorn
Discord ID: 606282991660040202
So brave
hyper ultra mega oof
aww man
So we back in the mine
swinging our axes from side to side
no wait
them's the wrong lyrics
Aww man
so we back in the mine
Got our pickaxe swinging from side to side
awww man
so we back in the mine
got our pickaxe swinging side to side
side side to side
this task a grueling one
Hoping to find some diamonds tonight night night
Diamonds tonight
no fuck
I got the rhyme scheme wrong on that one
aww man
So we back in the mine
got our pickaxe swinging from side to side
Side side to side
Hope to find some diamonds tonight night night
You forgot the gruelling task part
aww man
So we back in the mine
got pickaxe swinging from side to side