Message from @Ancient Chaos Wizard
Discord ID: 606776681717301269
canwc was pretty cool but I stopped reading fan adventures
so I havent caught up
didya fuccbois know that the creator of another incredibly autistic fandom, five nights at freddies, also made a christian game?
it's all shit
I did
I looked up his youtube
way back when there were only 2 fnafs
fnaf has good fanart and that's all I really care about
by ""fanart"" what do you mean
we have better fanart in all categories fuckboy
inhale my dong enragement child
alot of it is comically bad too so it's extra fun
@Ancient Chaos Wizard unironically love those games
i admit, the benefit of homestuck's tumblr fandom is a lot of their fanart and rule 34 are pretty high class
I would rather get radiation induced testicular cancer than have anything to do with fnaf
scratch that I woudl jump head first into a vat of acid
though most of it is gay shit
Read the comic and the gay stuff becomes fine too
I just kinda hate the name
"homestuck" actually makes me ill
more like
homo suck
kinda late but yeah
id probably like it if i came across it in my webcomic reading days but im too jaded for those now