Message from @CatVanViver
Discord ID: 609824357275009045
I just read about Sky King here
You flew too close to the sun, Sky King. RIP.
Ahem! I disagree
Not again....
how much money would you need to be paid
to toss sargons salad
10 mill
Why not more?
He isn't worth it
No depression memes plz
O key do kee
<:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586> <:pepegun:588019479401726001>
but queers are icky
@rozen what is the song used in that webm?
So, a place here in Canada is holding a parade to celebrate, Christianity, Heterosexuality and the Greatness of Western Civilization
Can I come?
@Skellybrote My tears Are Becoming A Sea by M83
thx bud
@CatVanViver don't know if it'll happen since the media is demonizing it and the government is condemning it
Sorry bud this is a post-national nation
🇨🇦 <:GetDownOnTheBarn:590619824640753697>
>the leaf defending its freedoms
To which I say, “what freedoms”
We have a constitution
Do you?