Message from @Monstrous Moonshine

Discord ID: 621846396701638699

2019-09-12 22:53:18 UTC  

Just don't call Captain America

2019-09-12 22:53:24 UTC

2019-09-12 22:53:27 UTC  

Might not end well

2019-09-12 22:56:07 UTC

2019-09-12 22:56:25 UTC  

I'll be doing my part to defend true American values

2019-09-12 23:02:16 UTC  

Digging through the entire founder's cannon to try to paint them in racist hues? Have you considered writing for the Times?

2019-09-12 23:03:35 UTC  

Your first problem is assuming the preservation of one's people is "racist"

2019-09-12 23:03:42 UTC  

This is why I reject the term

2019-09-12 23:04:52 UTC  

Japan is not "racist" for not wanting 10 million Somalis to not replace them overnight

2019-09-12 23:05:02 UTC  

Nor would Japan remain Japanese if that happens

2019-09-12 23:09:05 UTC  

Not a problem at all. I did not call them racist. I said you were trying to paint them as racists by selectively choosing a handful of quotes. Many of them were prolific writers so the sort of dishonest twat who writes for the Times has a lot of room to quote mine.

Also kek at 'preserving their people' the largest ethnicity in my country is German. Anglos are the fourth largest. So if that's a 'true American Value" you want you should start by deporting most of the huwite people.

2019-09-12 23:09:43 UTC  

I didn't say you called them racist

2019-09-12 23:09:55 UTC  

But you did say that these quotes "paint them as racist"

2019-09-12 23:10:06 UTC  

Which is laughable

2019-09-12 23:11:19 UTC  

Indeed I found your attempt, much like the troglodytes who write for the Times, laughable.

2019-09-12 23:11:44 UTC  

And I found your smears as laughable

2019-09-12 23:13:48 UTC  
2019-09-12 23:14:00 UTC  

Is this a video of some sperg who peed his jeans in front of a flag meaningful? Likely not.

2019-09-12 23:14:42 UTC  

Good job deflecting from the central point

2019-09-12 23:15:34 UTC  

Your smears make sense only in a narrative where racism is the ultimate sin, and any ideas and beliefs which may "sound racist" need to be shunned

2019-09-12 23:16:04 UTC  

It's not the ultimate sin. It's just an indicator of weakness.

2019-09-12 23:16:10 UTC  

This is why absolute mongs like you cry Nazi when research on race and IQ is done

2019-09-12 23:16:44 UTC  

"Research" done by NEET aspies?

2019-09-12 23:16:47 UTC  

Never mind the fact that Nazis themselves disavowed IQ tests and the people who fought literal Nazis did research on it

2019-09-12 23:18:11 UTC  

This guy was harassed by retarded censorious scums like you who'd rather shun research than appear "racist"

2019-09-12 23:18:30 UTC  

@Marushia Dark

I don't think crypto has much potential as a currency. But really hate Hamilton. How about an open banking system and Aaron Burr on the 20?

2019-09-12 23:18:58 UTC  

@Jym You left out the reason.

2019-09-12 23:19:45 UTC  

@Monstrous Moonshine

First why did you jump to nazis out of nowhere? Do you really work for the Times?

2019-09-12 23:20:14 UTC  

@Marushia Dark

Reason to dislike Hamilton or the lack of viability in crypto?

2019-09-12 23:20:22 UTC  

The latter

2019-09-12 23:20:47 UTC  

>still not getting the point

2019-09-12 23:20:53 UTC  

wew lad

2019-09-12 23:21:29 UTC  

@Monstrous Moonshine

No man I got the point. You can always tell when a leftist is losing the argument, they change the subject. Something you have now done twice.....

2019-09-12 23:21:41 UTC  

There is no subject change

2019-09-12 23:21:51 UTC  

Read your original post

2019-09-12 23:22:50 UTC  

@Monstrous Moonshine

Well you went from the founders (where you got pwned) and changed the topic to race realist nonsense (where you failed to make a point) then moved to nazis (because why not?)

2019-09-12 23:23:27 UTC  


2019-09-12 23:23:31 UTC  

The subject is the same

2019-09-12 23:23:34 UTC  

>I said you were trying to paint them as racists