Message from @Mavalance
Discord ID: 613817174372515869
I don't know how people get used to the taste of aspartame. Disgusting
That looks familiar........
I drank so much pop one year I became obese.
ok retard
It took me 4 years to get rid of all the fat. Would not recommend
Why did you do that?
I was 12 and had spending money from vacation
Absolutely zero self control
i remember doing something similar when i was 11
I’d ride my bike down to the store and buy a bottle of coke every day.
Shits horrible for you
now im just THICC
It took me until I was 16 to work off the fat.
Worst fucking years of my life.
took me 2years
I sat inside and played minecraft
but was annorexic after it
A true gamer
its his sisters, cant you see the resemblance ?
I mean its just better just to use your hands then deal with a feminist
this is fake, she hasnt dyed her hair
maybe she's in camo
one cant afford that on a barista or blogger pay