Message from @2K

Discord ID: 615969065390964774

2019-08-27 17:57:17 UTC  


2019-08-27 17:57:42 UTC  

I want to buy a revolving restaurant just so I could watch the Muslims keep trying to face Mecca.

2019-08-27 17:58:05 UTC  

You can face into any direction actually

2019-08-27 17:58:13 UTC  

if you don't know where you are

2019-08-27 17:58:20 UTC  

it's the thought that counts

2019-08-27 17:58:43 UTC  

get fucked by facts and logic muzziephobe

2019-08-27 17:58:44 UTC  

Yes, but in a revolving restaurant you definitely know that most of the time you are not facing Mecca.

2019-08-27 17:58:50 UTC  

@ryvergate are you a mudslime or something

2019-08-27 17:59:09 UTC  

Nah, my brother in law is a doctor in history of religion

2019-08-27 17:59:10 UTC  

Um dude

2019-08-27 17:59:16 UTC  

>azeri turk calls others mudslimes

2019-08-27 17:59:16 UTC  

They only need to face Mecca when praying

2019-08-27 17:59:18 UTC  


2019-08-27 17:59:19 UTC  


2019-08-27 17:59:19 UTC  


2019-08-27 17:59:23 UTC  

we talk a lot

2019-08-27 17:59:31 UTC  

that says a lot actually

2019-08-27 18:00:05 UTC  

He is studying the Vicca (the neo-pagan cults) for now

2019-08-27 18:00:27 UTC  

it's pretty fascinating stuff really

2019-08-27 18:00:42 UTC  

he knows anything about hellenism?

2019-08-27 18:01:09 UTC  

my aunts family converted

2019-08-27 18:01:13 UTC  

i don't think that counts as religion

2019-08-27 18:01:17 UTC  

and they worship poseidon now

2019-08-27 18:01:17 UTC  

does it

2019-08-27 18:01:20 UTC  


2019-08-27 18:01:26 UTC  


2019-08-27 18:01:40 UTC  

I will ask about it next time

2019-08-27 18:01:47 UTC  

He is in Italy rn afaik

2019-08-27 18:01:53 UTC  

imagine being religious or worshipping something

2019-08-27 18:02:10 UTC  

muh atheism

2019-08-27 18:02:21 UTC  

I am not atheist tho

2019-08-27 18:02:26 UTC  

I am a minecraft player

2019-08-27 18:02:30 UTC  


2019-08-27 18:03:03 UTC  

atheism is edgy

2019-08-27 18:03:24 UTC  

That's exactly what an atheist would say

2019-08-27 18:03:27 UTC  

apatheism is where is at

2019-08-27 18:03:48 UTC  

deism ftw

2019-08-27 18:04:05 UTC  

"b-but, if God created everything... That means, he created all evil too! Checkmate, conservatard!"

2019-08-27 18:04:17 UTC  


2019-08-27 18:04:29 UTC  

facts und logique