Message from @Tedium
Discord ID: 328028905707667466
I just envision fat neckbeard weebs "hail Thor he watches over me"
Samhain ceremony over by 8 then on to the drag show.
Or "I totally saw a big crow today Odin smiles upon myself skal!!!!!" Lmao.
Oh good gods
Paganism was never my scene, really.
Depends on the type of pagans I guess.
That sounds like new age Wiccan. I mean, folkish pagans are people like myself and those I associate with.
Bound by blood to the gods of our folk. Tied in ancient bonds
*Make sure to read the book in <#314232160355745795> before Tuesday*
It's okay, Thomas.
I already read it.
I was more into Draja Mickharic and magic.
What is Draja Mickharic?
I have no idea what that is.
Only the coolest occultist to ever walk the earth
Ah. So cooler than Crowley?
Never knew much about him tbh
Because he never bullshit anyone
Said you should do what works and fuck the rest.
Sounds great. Sounds perfect!
I think it could apply to all walks of life.
Well besides modern new age shit
Said the road to Occult mastery takes years to master and didn't offer shorcuts
Right. No kidding on that. Just being able to meditate and trancing is a conquest on its own much less everything else involved. When was he alive?
He still is.
He retired from teaching in 2010.
See, here's the problem.
Draja was into Hoodoo, something fierce, owing to its "by your bootstraps" style of magic, its pragmatism, and it's DIY culture.
I used to be as well. Magic Power of the Psalms and all that.
Damn. Over my head but I'll give it a Google and see what all is involved. I like having broad horizons.
Dude, nevermind. Don't listen to me.
I start talking out my ass sometimes. Just tell me to sit down and shut up.
Why? Lol
It's good to learn
Hoodoo is just magic sold to slaves and destitute niggers by Jewish businessmen.
That's not an exaggeration either.
All the original sellers of Hoodoo paraphenalia were Jewish.