Message from @Caeser
Discord ID: 621215587787341844
Texas is turning blue
and if that doesn't work, they will just ignore the electoral college
texas let the cancerous hipsters of austin fester too much
If this all fails everyone in this discord can meet up and reinstate rhodesia
the GOP isn't gonna lift a damn finger
A few things with pewdiepie. Even if you’re rich you don’t donate 50k without doing at least a bit of digging first. I don’t think it’s blackmail. I honestly think that letter from Suzan said something about scare pewdiepie getting released and a third season if he donates, or he donated to prevent future bullshit from them because he wants to have kids
Texas is nearly a blue state now, just give a few more years for Hispanics to flip it
Killing some commines in africa sounds real good rn
(((austin texas))) is basically code for a california colony
Rhodesia man
ill keep saying it and stand by that
we need to do something like that
make a red pill state in the heart of africa
start anew
He would’ve read it if he didn’t hav something to hide on it
is rhodesia just israel for wh*te nationalists <:hyperthink:462282519883284480>
i say screw the border wall. open the border and invite caravans... right after you lined the entire border with claymores from coast to coast
we shall call it Whitkanda
but ok
Rhodesia is israel except without all the freeloaders
could make some decent cash selling tickets to watch the immigrants blow themselves to hell
The Democrat party has to be destroyed and rebuilt because their pandering to specific races is disgustingly effective and it is going to make it impossible for the right to win based on demographics if they don't change their tune
Isreal good cali bad?
Why rebuild them?
Can't see why they would though when it is a winning strategy and all they care about is power
can't do that unfortunately without revolution
the democrats will likely cling on for 8ish years
There has to be a second party
doing the same shit, atleast imo
well, not really
After 2020 Republicans won’t win elections again
The demographics will have flipped too far
the system doesn't work now anywya
too many retards
it will all end up a show
not as long as the courts have free reign